Invitation to contribute to a special issue

Invitation to contribute to a special issue

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Hi everyone, 

We have a special issue titled Animal wellbeing, conservation, research, and education: Supporting people in caring professions. We want to extend an invitation to see if this would be where you would like to publish your research, case studies, or other work in the space of human wellbeing in care professions.

Please reach out if you have any questions.

Thank you and take care to give care,


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Hello Sabrina,

I hope this message finds you well.

Thank you for reaching out and extending this invitation. The special issue on "Animal Wellbeing, Conservation, Research, and Education: Supporting People in Caring Professions" sounds incredibly insightful and important. I am  definitely looking forward to reading once it becomes available for download.

Thank you again for the opportunity to contribute and for your dedication to this vital field.

Best regards,

Go to the profile of Sabrina Brando
2 months ago

Thanks @Amanda Mendonça Ferreira de Andrade e Silva feel welcome to contribute if you feel inspired. Take care, Sabrina

Go to the profile of Thirza Loffeld
15 days ago

Thanks for sharing Sabrina!