WAWA Conservation Small Grant Programme

Hello! I am Kashmir, a Trustee from Weird and Wonderful Animal (WAWA) Conservation. We are a charity helping to protect some of the most evolutionarily distinct and globally endangered wildlife on Earth. We work to support conservationists working in-situ and hands on with weird and wonderful animals of all shapes and sizes.
Our mission focuses on protecting species that are highly endangered yet incredibly important to biodiversity due to their unique behaviour, genetics, biology, or roles in the ecosystem. We emphasise the importance of less charismatic species—those that are not “charismatic megafauna” with widespread public appeal.
To support this mission, WAWA Conservation offers small grants to provide supplementary funding for larger conservation projects dedicated to Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered (EDGE) species. Ideal candidates for this grant are projects that:
- Focus on the conservation of one or more EDGE species.
- Require $100-1,000 supplemental funding for high-impact activities related to the conservation of these species.
- Have already secured funding and/or are likely to go ahead either way, but with a little extra funding could meet stretch targets or have an increased conservation impact.
- Are looking for conservation support greater than just this small grant and are interested in receiving our support from the other services we offer too.
Application Process:
Interested applicants should complete the Small Grant Application Form and submit it via email to wawaconservation@gmail.com with the subject line “small grant application: [organisation] – [project title]”. Applications are reviewed biannually, with deadlines on 31st March and 30th September.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Species Focus: Projects must target species listed in the top 500 of their classification on the Zoological Society of London’s EDGE species list and align with WAWA’s mission of supporting less iconic animals.
- Organisation Type: Applicants can be non-profit, non-governmental organisations or individuals working hands-on and in-situ with the target species.
- Project Scale: Projects should have spent between $5,000 and 100,000 on the relevant species in the previous year.
Visit our link here to download the application form.
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