Wildlife Institute of India - Certificate Course

Certificate Course in Wildlife Management (3 Months)

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Certificate Course in Wildlife Management

The Wildlife Institute of India (WII) was set up in 1982 as an  Autonomous Institute of Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) to meet the urgent capacity building  needs for scientific planning, management and research in the field of wildlife conservation. 


The main objectives of the course are to: (a) provide understanding and knowledge on modern concepts in wildlife management, (b)  provide an insight into relevant conservation policies and legislation and their enforcement mechanism at Global and Local Level, (c) provide hands on experience and training in use of modern scientific methods, techniques and tools that are required for biodiversity assessment and monitoring of conservation goals, (d) develop understanding of landscape approach to conservation and skills for scientific wildlife management planning, and (e) develop scientific skills for resolving human wildlife conflict including capture, handling, care and management of wild animals.


The Certificate Course is designed for in-service Range Forest Officers/Deputy Range Officers or of equivalent ranks working within wildlife and natural resource management sectors of the Government, NGO's, and private organizations with interests in wildlife conservation and management.

The seats are limited to thirty (30) and allotment would be done on first cum first serve basis.


The course is meant for in-service Officers of the rank of Deputy Range Officers/Range Forest Officers or officers of equivalent rank having minimum of Higher Secondary (12th) standard, and basic course in forestry. Universities/colleges having forestry or wildlife as a subject at undergraduate/ postgraduate level may also nominate interested faculty for the course.

Foreign candidates with equivalent forestry/environmental science background and field experience can also be admitted in the course. They should preferably have adequate knowledge of English language.

Both Indian and Foreign candidates should preferably be below 35 years of age and not more than 45 years on November 1, 2024.  They should be fit to withstand the arduous outdoor training programme.


The nomination process usually starts with the Institute inviting nominations from the State Forest Deptts/Foreign Governments/Agencies of eligible candidates. The curriculum-vitae alongwith passport details of foreign nationals are required to be filled in the prescribed form attached herewith and sent to the Institute with endorsement of the Sponsoring Agency alongwith the fee, where applicable. Admissions will be made on a `first-come-first serve’ basis subject to fulfilling of the laid down eligibility criteria.

The Institute also accepts nominations from foreign nationals especially from SAARC countries, of requisite qualification sponsored by Global Tiger Forum and other conservation funding agencies.


The duration of the course is three months covering one academic session from 1st November, 2024 to 31st January, 2025.


Participation in all components of the course, tours, excursions, lectures, practicals, examinations, group discussions and symposia etc are compulsory. 


The broad outline of the course structure includes the following modules:

  • Wildlife Species and Habitats
  • Wildlife Population Estimation
  • Remote Sensing and GIS
  • Wildlife Management (Human Wildlife Conflict including Capture and Restraint, Wildlife Health Management, Habitat Management, Law, Management Planning, Enforcement and Monitoring, Ex-Situ Conservation and management, Communities and Outreach).


Wildlife Orientation/Local Excursion: Guided nature walks to orient trainees towards natural history observation specifically on mammals, birds, herpetofauna, major group of invertebrates and plants, familiarization with major vegetation types,  identification of direct/indirect evidences of animals,  visit to a wetland area, demonstration of field equipments for wildlife survey – GPS, Rangefinder, radio-tagging,etc.

Wildlife Techniques Tour:  Practical aspects of wildlife biology will be covered viz., Identification & Characterizing  floral and faunal diversity, wildlife habitats and their monitoring. Participants will be required to undertake exercises in habitat description, mapping and evaluation, estimation of wildlife populations, biomass estimation and diet preference of species. The participants will be given hands-on training to analyze the data collected in the field using software. Lab based analysis of faecal samples will be demonstrated.

Wildlife Management Tour: In this tour, the officer trainees would visit selected protected areas and zoological parks to learn a range of wildlife management practices.  Emphasis will be placed on studying wildlife protection measures, management of boundaries and activity zones; issues relating to enclaved villages and control of human disturbance, tourism and infrastructure management; control of wildlife damage; habitat management practices; ecotourism and ecodevelopment activities. In addition, field visits to nearby Protected Areas/ Institutions /Organizations/Zoos are also organized from time to time during the period of training.


Assessment is an integral part of the learning process and will be based on module wise performance of officer trainees both in class room and during field exercise. Evaluation will also include group discussion, assignments, written and oral tests. 


This is the paid course for all the participants. Course fee for Indian trainees is INR 4,50,000/-. Foreign participants would require to pay US $ 8,300. 

The training allowance and to & fro travel expenses of the candidates while joining/returning from the course would be borne by the Sponsoring Government/Agency and paid to the candidate separately as per their norms.  Board and lodging for the entire duration of the course are included in the course fee. The course fee also include local traveling, camping, field gear/stationery and books/study materials. The sponsoring agencies are advised to provide insurance for sponsored candidates comprehensively for any medical treatment for the duration of the training. During the training period, the medical bill reimbursement, if any, will be made by the respective State Governments/Sponsoring Agency.

A bank draft of the above amount should be sent in the favour of the Director, Wildlife Institute of India payable at Dehradun at the time of admission by the sponsored candidate.  The course can also be remitted by bank transfer.  Bank details can be obtained from the Course Director.


The nominations of the foreign  and Indian candidates duly completed in all respects should be addressed to Dr. Samrat Mondol, Scientist-E, Course Director (email: cdcertificate@wii.gov.in ) with a copy to Dr. Ruchi Badola, Dean, Faculty of Wildlife Sciences (email: dean@wii.gov.in ) latest by 15th September, 2024.

For more information please contact :

Dr. Samrat Mondol
Scientist - F & Course Director
Wildlife Institute of India, Chandrabani
Dehradun - 248 001, Uttarakhand (INDIA).
E-mail: samrat@wii.gov.in; Ph: +91-135-2646249

Dr. Salvador Lyngdoh
Scientist - E & Associate Course Director
Wildlife Institute of India, Chandrabani
Dehradun - 248 001, Uttarakhand (INDIA).

E-mail: salvador@wii@gov.in; Ph: +91-135-2646281

 Academic Officer: Ph: +91-135-2646116; Email: oao@wii@gov.in

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Dear Loretta,

Thank you for sharing this opportunity with the community. 

Although the application deadline has expired, this is a very interesting short course and I'm wondering how I can get funding to take part in the future?

Go to the profile of Loretta Andrade
3 months ago

Dear Ananfack,

Thank you for your message.

At this point of time, I do not have any visibility on funding for future training. However, I can find that out for you in some time and update the community page.

Meanwhile, you are welcome to email the following personalities in the institute who should be able to guide you

Dr. Samrat Mondol, Scientist-E, Course Director (email: cdcertificate@wii.gov.in 

Dr. Ruchi Badola, Dean, Faculty of Wildlife Sciences (email: dean@wii.gov.in 

I am not attached to the Wildlife Institute of India. However, during my online based research, I come across events, trainings and webinars related to Wildlife Conservation, I post them for the benefit of the WildHub Community.

Best regards,

Loretta Andrade