Alan J. Hesse

Senior Behaviour Change Specialist at TRAFFIC; also independent author-illustrator and climate education entrepreneur, TRAFFIC International

About Alan J. Hesse

My conservation career started in 1992 when I helped set up and joined a University expedition to the Bolivian Amazon. What started out as a 3-month experience ended up being a life-changing inflection point that set my professional and personal course to the present day. My conservation experience was built bottom-up and hands-on, and includes field data collection and logistics, grassroots organization leadership and project management, community engagement and capacity building, M&E, training and behavior change, and lately climate education through authorship of graphic novels and other resources. My conservation career includes positions as a senior staff member and a principal investigator at the Bolivian BirdLife Partner Armonía, field investigator in the Gran Chaco with WCS Bolivia, field logistics officer for Conservation International's RAP expeditions, and Programme Manager and Senior Manager of M&E at Rare. I currently work as Senior Behaviour Change Specialist with TRAFFIC International, applying behavioural science approaches to support TRAFFIC's work across wildlife supply chains globally. 

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6 Individual actions for climate and sustainability

Authors & Educators on a Mission discuss the top individual climate actions that everyone can consider taking.

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Nov 25, 2023

Thanks Thirza! It is good to be back. I will gladly do as you ask. Let me give it some thought. 

Nov 22, 2023

Hi @Isabel Tostes Ribeiro thanks for sharing this paper, it's great to see more behaviour change material on WildHub! I noted with interest your conclusions that there was no real difference between merely providing information vs information + behavioural nudge. I have long worked with the application of social marketing as a tool for conservation behaviour change and seen that effecting lasting change is a lot harder than we all think! I'd love to have a chat about all this if ever you are interested. Meanwhile perhaps you can check out the area of my website dedicated to training on social marketing: 

Jan 11, 2023

A bit late perhaps but congratulations @Flavia Martinelli on being a WH Connector! 

Jan 11, 2023

Thanks for sharing this resource @Flavia Martinelli. I had come across it before and I believe it is a rare example of fact-based storytelling that truly reflects Global South perspectives. I too create graphic novels about climate change and in fact I'm working on my 5th one right now, which is 100% focused on Brazil. If interested I'd love to run it past you at some point!  

Dec 14, 2022

Thank you Lize for going the extra mile calculating the time zones! Very good practice. See you all there. 

Nov 14, 2022

Hi @Mitchell Rae pleased to meet you and congratulations for this event! Unfortunately for some reason it slipped under my radar but I'd love to know how it went. I too dedicate my efforts to communicating about climate and nature in ways that are engaging, effective and positive. Hopefully we can meet at one of the WH Socials some time to chat further. 

Oct 26, 2022

Thanks for posting Lize and to both you and Lara for setting this up! Looking forward to the next Art Social! 

Oct 19, 2022

Thanks for this fantastic learning opportunity, @Giuseppe Forestieri - I'll be there! 


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