Clinton Dandison

Program manager , Sustainable actions for nature

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Apr 13, 2023

Kudos jack, I am also a media content creator. Looking forward to collaborating with you on Wildhub to create more contents and drive engagements.

Comment on Introduction post
Jan 31, 2023

Thank you Andrea!!

The West, is privileged to have the opportunity to cook with efficient, low-polluting energy sources like electricity and gas. But for 2.4 billion people around the world,  primarily in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, those clean, modern cooking options are simply not accessible. Instead, households depend on inefficient cooking methods: in particular, wood- and charcoal-burning fires.

The World Bank estimates that the lack of progress on clean cooking costs the world more than $2.4 trillion each year, driven by adverse impacts on health, wildlife, climate and gender equality.

Lack of access to CleanCooking causes more deaths than malaria, HIV/AIDS, and tuberculosis each year combined. But it is one of the most underfunded and undervalued sectors.

Getting started with the clean cooking sector:

There’s a list of Cleancook fuels that have been researched and proven to be more efficient and climate friendly than the open firewood cooking.

-Biomass/Biofuels cooking

-Electric cooking

-LPG cooking

-Tier-2 charcoal stoves (slowly phasing out)

So coming into the clean cooking sector you have to understand the sustainability plan and the impact you hope to achieve, this will help you focus on the solutions to render.

Some of the factors that will determine this is the geographical area you want to carry out your projects, accessibility, income class of beneficiaries. For example you can’t promote only electric cooking in some sub Saharan countries dues to unstable power supply.

Feel free to ask more questions, if you have any…

It is good to know you also work with local communities😊

Comment on Introduction post
Jan 31, 2023

Thank you, it is my pleasure to be here!

Within the Climate Justice Sector, i have worked alongside major stakeholders such as: IOCs, MDAs, community reps… to organize consultative dialogue meetings to address and resolve issues of equity and inclusion resulting from oil exploration activities within the Niger-Delta region of Nigeria, which is affecting livelihoods and life expectancy of the host communities.

Comment on Introduction post
Jan 31, 2023

Yes I just responded now, thank you for such great questions. 

Comment on Introduction post
Jan 31, 2023

Thank you, I’m glad to be here !

Comment on Introduction post
Jan 28, 2023

Okay great my pleasure to share

Comment on Introduction post
Jan 26, 2023

*open fire cooking threaten 

Comment on Introduction post
Jan 26, 2023

I will say they should keep up the work, clean cooking could prevent half a million deaths in Africa each year and also threaten the habitat of wildlife and  endangered species. A new CCA-funded geospatial tool shows $66 billion in healthcare costs could be saved each year by reducing reliance on polluting cooking fuels.