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Hi everyone, does anyone have a topic that they would like to discuss with others in this room? It can be anything from a simple question to or a deep ethical question.
What is the one thing that you think everyone considering catching primates should know, for example?
How about a Special Issue of International Journal of Primatology on Primate Capture, Release and Alternatives?
Hi everyone
It's great to see people joining and using this room :0)
Elena, Tanya & I have been discussing the possibility of editing a Special Issue of IJP on Primate Capture, Release and Alternatives. Special Issues bring together ~12 articles on a topic, with an introduction. Those articles can be regular (i.e., empirical) articles, critical reviews, and shorter commentaries.
We're keen to know what you think would be useful content, and what you might be able to contribute. Please bear in mind that articles in IJP can build on previous work, but can't repeat it. So, for example, if there's an existing review of a topic, you would need to show clearly how a new manuscript adds to it.
Please post ideas for what we might include in this conversation.