Ali Skeats (She/Her)

WildLearning Manager, WildTeam
Mellie S. Musonera

Environment & ICT Specialist, SETH Enterprises Limited

Jacob Yombai

Mr, National Agricultural Research Institute

Elliot Tovaboda

Conservation Scientist, The Nature Conservancy

I am Ermina Kombul from Papua New Guinea. I am currently doing my final year at the University of Papua New Guinea undertaking Biology as my major course of study. I have joined wildHub because I am part of the wild team for the online training which runs from Feb-March. I have not been working in any organizations as yet but I am a aspired conservationists and I have attended several other trainings especially in fishries. I am a certified trainer in The "Ecosystem Approach to Fishries Management" and it is an honor for me to join wildhub and see the experiences shared here from different regions of the world from different expertise.
Dzarina Susuke

Local Conservation Expert, Society for Conservation Biology-PNG Chapter

Hi everyone, I am Dzarina from Papua New Guinea. I am passionate about biodiversity/wildlife conservation and how indigenous knowledge can help/assist conservation practices today.
Billy Huanaromo

Natural Resources Management Program Coordinator, Research and Conservation Foundation of Papua New Guinea

I currently hold a Bachelor of Science Degree in Environmental Science and Geography. I am working as the Natural Resources Management Program Coordinator in the Crater Mountain Wildlife Management Area in Papua New Guinea. I am passionate about conserving species that are endemic to the island of New Guinea and that which are on the IUCN Red List of Species.