Jackline Njeri

Strategic Projects Officer, Mr Green Africa

About Jackline Njeri

I am working at Mr Green Africa as a Strategic Projects Officer, a role that entails taking a human-centred approach to design and test operational and logistical aspects of business concepts/projects (Agent/franchise models) that will enable Mr Green Africa to engage plastics consumers to sustainably recycle their plastics and earn redeemable points while also achieving meaningful social impact. 

I am also working on an initiative dubbed "better blue planet" in collaboration with a colleague. The Initiative is aimed at creating awareness and advocating for sustainable water resource utilization and will be ready for launch in the last leg of quarter 4.

My key skills are; Project Planning, operations management, strategic thinking, design thinking, adaptability, collaboration and Creativity. 

I enjoy learning (in theory and in context), travelling, making new friends and engaging in sustainability-related activities. 

Which category below best describes the type of organisation you currently work for/or run?

Private-sector company or business

Areas of expertise

Behaviour change campaigns Monitoring and evaluation Project/programme management

Would you be willing to be approached and share your lessons learned in your area(s) of expertise with our community?

Not applicable


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