Halloo, salam kenal
Hello everyone, (Salam kenal) my name is Umar and I am a research coordinator in Indonesia Herpetofauna Foundation a non-profit organization based in Bogor Indonesia.
The Indonesia Herpetofauna Foundation (IHF) is a non-profit organization based at the Ciliwung Herpetarium in Bogor, Indonesia, dedicated to the conservation of amphibians and reptiles in Indonesia through research, education, and capacity building.
Since I was a little kid, I really like to do things outdoor and see the wildlife. During my university, I got involve in a group of herpetology that increases my interest in amphibians and reptiles, especially in frogs. it's been 3 years since I finish my bachelor's degree in university and now I am living my dream as a herpetologist. Doing researches on wildlife in developing countries such as Indonesia is hard work, we struggling to coordinates, get funding, and many other things. But, I enjoy every stage of it.
I am really happy to be part of this workshop, cant wait to learn new skills and sharing experience with other participants.