Free for download: Agromisa booklets on agriculture, forestry, food preservation, water and soil, and much, much more

Agromisa foundation brought agricultural know-how from Wageningen University ( The Netherlands ) to rural areas in developing countries. It's predecessor was a catholic student association from the 1930's that started a question-and-answer service operating through missionaries. Later on, the catholic mission angle disappeared. The Dutch catholic church continued to be a strong financial supporter and their missions continued to be a source of questions. Besides to them, the Q&A service was provided free of charge to everybody poor enough to buy consultancy services but rich enough to send a letter.
In 1973, Agromisa started publishing small introductory booklets covering a wide variety of topics: animal husbandry, agro forestry, food preservation, compost production, erosion control, rain water harvesting, and much more. ( I copied the entire publication list below, so that this post can be easily found. ). They were all written for a relatively poor and rural audience in tropical countries. The booklets were systematically published in English and French. Some also in Spanish or Portuguese.
Agromisa seems to have ceased its activities, but the booklets are still available online. The publication dates range from 2002 to 2016. The first 1973 publication has gone through six edition with the most recent one from 2011.
I believe they still are an excellent source for practical information on how to do things that keep us humans alive in a way that keeps nature in good shape.
The booklets can be downloaded from :
More on the history of Agromisa :
Photo : Christian West
1 | Pig keeping in the tropics, No 1 | 2011 | Animal production | English |
1 | L’élevage des porcs dans les zones tropicales | 2011 | Production animale | français |
1 | Criação de porcos nas regiões tropicais | 2011 | Produção animal | Português |
2 | Soil fertility management, No 2 | 2005 | Soil, Water & Environment | English |
2 | Gérer la fertilité du sol | 2005 | Sol, eau et environment | français |
2 | Maneio da fertilidade do solo | 2003 | Solo, água e meio ambiente | Português |
3 | Preservation of fruit and vegetables, No 3 | 2003 | Food Processing | English |
3 | La conservation des fruits et des légumes | 2003 | Traitement alimentaire | français |
3 | Conservação de frutos e legumes | 2003 | Processamento de comida | Português |
4 | Small-scale chicken production, No 4 | 2006 | Animal production | English |
4 | L’élevage des poules à petite échelle | 2006 | Production animale | français |
4 | Criação de galinhas em pequena escala | 2006 | Produção animal | Português |
5 | Fruit growing in the tropics, No 5 | 2006 | Plant Production | English |
5 | La culture fruitière dans les zones tropicales | 2006 | Production végétale | français |
5 | A fruticultura nas regiões tropicais | 2006 | Produção vegetal | Português |
6 | Simple construction surveying, No 6 | 2005 | Soil, Water & Environment | English |
6 | Mesures de topographie pour le génie rural | 2005 | Sol, eau et environment | français |
6 | Levantamentos topográficos simples aplicados às áreas rurais | 2005 | Solo, água e meio ambiente | Português |
7 | Goat keeping in the tropics, No 7 | 2004 | Animal production | English |
7 | L’élevage de chèvres dans les zones tropicales | 2004 | Production animale | français |
7 | Criação de cabras nas regiões tropicais | 2004 | Produção animal | Português |
8 | The preparation and use of compost, No 8 | 2005 | Soil, Water & Environment | English |
8 | La fabrication et l’utilisation du compost | 2005 | Sol, eau et environment | français |
8 | Preparação e utilização de composto | 2005 | Solo, água e meio ambiente | Português |
9 | The home garden in the tropics, No 9 | 2008 | Plant Production | English |
9 | Le jardin potager dans les zones tropicales | 2008 | Production végétale | français |
9 | A horta de quintal nas regiões tropicais | 2008 | Produção vegetal | Português |
10 | Cultivation of soya and other legumes, No 10 | 2005 | Plant Production | English |
10 | La culture du soja et d’autres légumineuses | 2005 | Production végétale | français |
10 | A cultura de soja e de outras leguminosas | 2003 | Produção vegetal | Português |
11 | Erosion control in the tropics, No 11 | 2004 | Soil, Water & Environment | English |
11 | La protection des sols contre l’érosion dans les tropiques | 2004 | Sol, eau et environment | français |
11 | Luta anti-erosiva nas regiões tropicais | 2005 | Solo, água e meio ambiente | Português |
12 | Preservation of fish and meat, No 12 | 2005 | Food Processing | English |
12 | La conservation du poisson et de la viande | 2005 | Traitement alimentaire | français |
12 | Conservação de peixe e carne | 2005 | Processamento de comida | Português |
13 | Water harvesting and soil moisture retention, No 13 | 2004 | Soil, Water & Environment | English |
13 | La collecte de l’eau et la retention de l’humidité du sol | 2004 | Sol, eau et environment | français |
13 | Recolha de água e retenção da humidade do solo | 2005 | Solo, água e meio ambiente | Português |
14 | Dairy cattle husbandry, No 14 | 2008 | Animal production | English |
14 | L’élevage des vaches laitières | 2008 | Production animale | français |
14 | Criação de gado leitero | 2008 | Produção animal | Português |
15 | Freshwater fish farming, No 15 | 2008 | Animal production | English |
15 | La pisciculture à petite échelle en eau douce | 2008 | Production animale | français |
15 | Piscicultura de água doce em pequena escala | 2008 | Produção animal | Português |
16 | Agroforestry, No 16 | 2003 | Plant Production | English |
16 | L’Agroforesterie | 2003 | Production végétale | français |
16 | Agrossilvicultura | 2003 | Produção vegetal | Português |
17 | Cultivation of tomato, No 17 | 2005 | Plant Production | English |
17 | La culture de la tomate | 2005 | Production végétale | français |
17 | A cultura do tomate | 2006 | Produção vegetal | Português |
18 | Protection of stored grains and pulses, No 18 | 2005 | Food Processing | English |
18 | Protection des céréales et des légumineuses stockées | 2004 | Traitement alimentaire | français |
18 | Protecção dos grãos de cereais e de leguminosas | 2003 | Processamento de comida | Português |
19 | Propagating and planting trees, No 19 | 2008 | Plant Production | English |
19 | Multiplier et planter des arbres | 2005 | Production végétale | français |
19 | Propagação e plantio de árvores | 2005 | Produção vegetal | Português |
20 | Backyard rabbit farming, No 20 | 2004 | Animal production | English |
20 | L’élevage des lapins dans les zones tropicales | 2008 | Production animale | français |
20 | Criação de coelhos nas regiões tropicais | 2008 | Produção animal | Português |
21 | On-farm fish culture, No 21 | 2004 | Animal production | English |
21 | La pisciculture à la ferme | 2004 | Production animale | français |
21 | A piscicultura dentro de um sistema de produção integrado | 2004 | Produção animal | Português |
22 | Small-scale production of weaning foods, No 22 | 2005 | Food Processing | English |
22 | La fabrication à petite échelle des aliments de sevrage | 2005 | Traitement alimentaire | français |
22 | Produção de alimentos de desmame em pequena escala | 2005 | Processamento de comida | Português |
23 | Protected cultivation, No 23 | 2004 | Plant Production | English |
23 | Agriculture sous abri | 2004 | Production végétale | français |
23 | Culturas protegidas | 2005 | Produção vegetal | Português |
24 | Urban Agriculture, No 24 | 2005 | Plant Production | English |
24 | L’agriculture urbaine | 2005 | Production végétale | français |
24 | Agricultura urbana | 2005 | Produção vegetal | Português |
25 | Granaries, No 25 | 2005 | Plant Production | English |
25 | Les greniers | 2005 | Production végétale | français |
25 | Celeiros | 2005 | Produção vegetal | Português |
26 | Marketing for small-scale producers, No 26 | 2005 | Economics | English |
26 | Commercialisation: Le marketing pour les producteurs artisanaux | 2005 | Économie | français |
26 | Comercialização destinada a pequenos produtores | 2002 | Economia | Português |
27 | Water points for livestock, No 27 | 2004 | Soil, Water & Environment | English |
27 | Créer et gérer un point d’eau pour les troupeaux de son village | 2004 | Sol, eau et environment | français |
27 | Criação e maneio de pontos de água para o gado da aldeia | 2004 | Solo, água e meio ambiente | Português |
28 | Identification of crop damage, No 28 | 2004 | Plant Production | English |
28 | Identification des dégâts causés aux plantes | 2004 | Production végétale | français |
28 | Identificação de danos nas culturas | 2004 | Produção vegetal | Português |
29 | Pesticides: compounds, use and hazards, No 29 | 2004 | Plant Production | English |
29 | Les pesticides: composition, utilisation et risques | 2004 | Production végétale | français |
29 | Pesticidas: compostos, usos e perigos | 2005 | Produção vegetal | Português |
30 | Non-chemical crop protection, No 30 | 2004 | Plant Production | English |
30 | La protection non chimique des cultures | 2007 | Production végétale | français |
30 | Proteção não química das culturas | 2007 | Produção vegetal | Português |
31 | The storage of tropical agricultural products, No 31 | 2007 | Food Processing | English |
31 | Le stockage des produits agricoles tropicaux | 2004 | Traitement alimentaire | français |
31 | Armazenamento de produtos agrícolas | 2011 | Processamento de comida | Português |
32 | Beekeeping in the tropics, No 32 | 2004 | Animal production | English |
32 | L’apiculture dans les zones tropicales | 2005 | Production animale | français |
32 | A apicultura nas regiões tropicais | 2011 | Produção animal | Português |
33 | Duck keeping in the tropics, No 33 | 2004 | Animal production | English |
33 | L’élevage de canards | 2004 | Production animale | français |
33 | Criação de patos nas regiões tropicais | 2003 | Produção animal | Português |
34 | Hatching eggs by hens or in an incubator, No 34 | 2003 | Animal production | English |
34 | L’incubation des oefs par les poules et en couveuse | 2003 | Production animale | français |
34 | A incubação de ovos por galinhas e na incubadora | 2004 | Produção animal | Português |
35 | Donkeys for traction and tillage, No 35 | 2004 | Animal production | English |
35 | Utilisation des ânes pour la traction et le labour | 2004 | Production animale | français |
35 | A utilização de burros para transporte e lavoura | 2004 | Produção animal | Português |
36 | Preparation of dairy products, No 36 | 2006 | Food Processing | English |
36 | La préparation de laitages | 2006 | Traitement alimentaire | français |
36 | A preparação de lacticínios | 2006 | Processamento de comida | Português |
37 | Small-scale seed production, No 37 | 2004 | Plant Production | English |
37 | Production de semences à petite échelle légumineuses à graines |
2004 | Production végétale | français |
37 | Produção de sementes em pequena escala | 2005 | Produção vegetal | Português |
38 | Starting a cooperative, No 38, | 2006 | Economics | English |
38 | Comment créer une coopérative | 2006 | Économie | français |
38 | Iniciar uma cooperativa | 2006 | Economia | Português |
38 | Iniciar una cooperativa | 2006 | Economía | Spanish/ Espagñol |
39 | Non-timber forest products, No 39 | 2006 | Plant Production | English |
39 | Les produits forestiers autres que le bois d’oeuvre | 2006 | Production végétale | français |
39 | Produtos florestais não-madeireiros | 2006 | Produção vegetal | Português |
40 | Small-scale mushroom cultivation, No 40 | 2006 | Plant Production | English |
40 | La culture des champignons à petite échelle | 2006 | Production végétale | français |
40 | A cultura de cogumelos em pequena escala | 2006 | Produção vegetal | Português |
40 | Buswtani za uyoga kwa wakulima wadogo vijijini | 2008 | Plant production | Kiswahili |
41 | Small-scale mushroom cultivation, No 41 | 2007 | Plant Production | English |
41 | Culture à petite échelle de champignons – 2 | 2007 | Production végétale | français |
41 | O cultivo de cogumelos em pequena escala – 2 | 2007 | Produção vegetal | Português |
42 | Bee products, No 42 | 2006 | Animal production | English |
42 | Produits de l’apiculture | 2006 | Production animale | français |
42 | Produtos apícolas | 2006 | Produção animal | Português |
42 | Mazao ya Nyuki | 2010 | Animal production | Kiswahili |
43 | Rainwater harvesting for domestic use, No 43 | 2006 | Soil, Water & Environment | English |
43 | La collecte de l’eau de pluie à usage domestique | 2006 | Sol, eau et environment | français |
43 | Recolha de água da chuva para uso doméstico | 2006 | Solo, água e meio ambiente | Português |
44 | Ethnoveterinary medicine, No 44 | 2007 | Animal production | English |
44 | Ethnomédecine vétérinaire | 2007 | Production animale | français |
44 | Medicina etnoveterinária | 2007 | Produção animal | Português |
45 | HIV/AIDs in small-scale farming, No 45 | 2008 | Miscelenious | English |
45 | Atténuer les effets du VIH/SIDA dans les petites exploitations agricoles | 2008 | Divers | français |
45 | Mitigação dos efeitos do VIH/SIDA na agricultura de pequena escala pequena escala |
2008 | Diversos | Português |
46 | Zoonoses, No 46 | 2008 | Animal production | English |
46 | Les zoonoses | 2008 | Production animale | français |
46 | Zoonoses | 2008 | Produção animal | Português |
47 | Snail farming, No 47 | 2008 | Animal production | English |
47 | L’elevage d’escargots | 2008 | Production animale | français |
47 | A cultura de caraçóis | 2008 | Produção animal | Português |
48 | Entering the organic export market, No 48 | 2011 | Economics | English |
48 | L’exportation des produits biologiques | 2011 | Économie | français |
48 | A exportacao de produtos organicos | 2011 | Economia | Português |
49 | The Rural Finance Landscape, No 49 | 2008 | Economics | English |
49 | Paysage de la finance rurale | 2008 | Économie | français |
49 | Panorama das finanças rurais | 2008 | Economia | Português |
50 | Packaging of agricultural products No 50 | 2011 | Food Processing | English |
50 | Le conditionnement des produits agricoles | 2011 | Traitement alimentaire | français |
50 | Armazenamento de produtos agrícolas | 2011 | Processamento de comida | Português |
51 | Improving lowland rice cultivation, No 51 | 2014 | Plant Production | English |
51 | Améliorer cla riziculture de bas-fonds | 2014 | Production végétale | français |
52 | Backyard grasscutter keeping, No 52 | 2014 | Animal production | English |
52 | L’elevage familial d’aulocodes | 2014 | Production animale | français |
53 | Crop residues for animal feed, No 53 | 2015 | Animal production | English |
53 | Les résidus de cultures pour l’alimentation animale | 2015 | Production animale | français |
54 | Edible insects in Africa, No 54 | 2015 | Animal production | English |
54 | Insectes comestibles en Afrique | 2015 | Production animale | français |
55 | Beef production, No 55 | 2016 | Animal production | English |
55 | La production de viande bovine | 2016 | Production animale | français |
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Thanks for sharing, Frank.
That's an impressive list! Thank you for sharing Frank and I hope you're well!
Thank you for these, Frank, though I keep getting a "There has been a critical error on this website." message every time I click the hyperlinks. I tried searching via Google and if I click the link through there, the same error message shows up.