About Carolyn J Henri
Hello! I have worked in natural resource management and environmental education for several years. In 2022 I moved from Washington State to southern Belize and joined Toledo Institute for Development and Environment (TIDE) to complete a number of capacity buidling projects and an impact assessment of TIDE's high school scholarship program (big impact!). Along the way, I assisted with grant writing for both organizational sustainability and scientific research grants. I completed the contract with TIDE and am now working as a consultant for Empowering Climate Solutions, based in southern Belize. As a natural resources professional I think every day about the impacts of climate change on everything (!) and as an educator, my goal is always to empower others to take command of their future. I love diving and baby turtles, and when I'm not working I enjoy walks with our dog, yoga, and cooking. Check out my bio on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carolyn-henri-9099006/
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Suhail Bashir
Environmental Consultant, WildHub Community Advocate, ENS Environmnetal Consultancy Sharjah
Recent Comments
I am curious to know how well this course acknowledges and directly addresses the decolonization of interactions with local stakeholders.
I hardly think calling people what they want to be called is sufficient treatment of the decolonizing conservation issue (pg. 14 in the stakeholder engagement manual). I don't really have the time to explain to you what a decolonizing approach to conservation is, but if WildTeams is going to work in countries that have a colonial legacy (and most developing countries do), it is your ethical duty to do this right. It's that important. It is central to this work. I took the project planning course in March, and there was no mention of decolonization. I suspect this may be a systemic issue at WildTeams. You can and should do better. England and English NGOs need to get this right, considering the long colonial legacy.
Thanks for posting this story and film. What a wonderful story of a small mighty community! This group embodies the quote by Margaret Mead: “Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.” Hope the are an inspiration to other communities facing similar pressures.
I am curious to know how well this course acknowledges and directly addresses the decolonization of interactions with local stakeholders.