Giovanni Ottaviano

PostDoc Researcher, University of Molise
Kimberly Nielsen

Research Associate, Oceans Initiative

I work for a marine science & conservation non-profit studying species and habitats in the Salish Sea and beyond. Much of our work involves looks at how anthropogenic impacts like vessel traffic and underwater noise change the behavior of threatened populations such as southern resident killer whales. Other topics we work on include cetacean distribution and habitat use, the estimated effects of deep sea mining, salmon preservation, and habitat restoration. I have skills in GIS, R, and ecological modeling. I am most interested in research involving spatial data, oceanography, and marine vertebrate behavior. I previously worked on field projects studying cetaceans in British Columbia and sea turtles in Costa Rica, the US, and Australia. I completed an MRes in Marine Biology at the University of Plymouth where I used density surface models to assess the distribution and abundance of harbour porpoises around the UK.
Kristi Foster

Head of Engagement, Conservation Careers

Sofia Riccomagno

Student, Imperial College London

Sofie Möhrle

Student, University Hamburg

Marine Ecosystems and Fisheries Science Student joining the CoalitionWILD Mentorship Prorgramme 2022
Sofiya Shukhova

Conservationist and wildlife artist, self-employed

Maria Chiara Parolin

TA Wildlife Release, FREE THE BEARS

Marta Villasán Barroso

Biodiversity Conservation Biologist , Ecoenergías del Guadiana / Fauna&Vida NGO / SEO BirdLife

I'm from Badajoz, a little city near Portugal at Extremadura, Spain. I love my region because is plenty of wild nature, birds, forests, rivers... but is endangered too. I have a BSc in Biology and a MSc in Biodiversity Conservation. I have more than 15 years of experience in Environmental Education with school kids and the general public. I'm interested in all related topics about ecology, conservation and all living creatures and their relationships, that makes possible the life on Earth.  I have worked in Paraguay granted by University of Salamanca and UNESCO Chair "Education for Sustainable Development: Strengthening lines of research in the area of ​​biodiversity and the link with society". My duties were teaching experiments design and basic biostatistics at UNA (Universidad Nacional de Asunción); doing a biodiversity's bird research at the San Rafael National Park (the major Atlantic Forest patch remaining), ringing birds and teaching young students how to carry out a basic research; and doing environmental education with young child and population living at the natural park influence area.  I stayed at Madeira (Portugal) working on two LIFE projects, one to protect the endemic sparrowhawk "Furabardos" and the other to take care of marine birds. The LIFE projects are the UE tool to support and fund the conservation on their territories.   Later I have devoted to natural ecotourism at Extremadura (Spain) and scuba diving tourism at Sharm el Shaik (Egypt), in addition to environmental education, or little research and consultancy tasks. I have a  youtube channel  to outreach environmental issues and my own talks. Is in Spanish, but if you want you could take a look at it.  Currently, I have a job at an environmental consulting at Extremadura (Spain), working about the compensatory measures to take during and after the construction of photovoltaic plants. I take care of bird nests, mitigation and prevention of bird and bat mortality at the high voltage lines, soil restoration, reforestation, etc. I'm glad to carry out this work because I'm sure I'm doing the best to protect the nature while the construction of renewable energy plants are trying to reduce the climate change.  In addition, I take part from two NGOs: Fauna&Vida, a environmental conservation and education organization from Paraguay, where I'm currently the Education and conservation programs Director, and SEO/BirdLife, the ornithological society to protect birds, where I coordinate the volunteer group in my city. 
Ricardo Nogueira Martins

Executive Director, Local Protected Landscape of Sousa Superior

Ricardo Nogueira Martins (Luzern 1990) is the Executive Director of the Local Protected Landscape of Sousa Superior, and a Researcher collaborator at CECS - Communication and Society Research Centre, a leading research unit of the University of Minho. He holds an MSc in Geography - Planning and Territory Management, and a PgDip in EU Policies and Territorial Cooperation from the University of Minho. During his academic career, he studied at the University of the Balearic Islands, Spain, and worked as a research fellow. He is a member of the World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) of the IUCN, a member of the Scientific Committee of the UNESCO Fourth Colony Geopark, and qualified in EIA – Environmental Impact Assessment as a competent expert in Territory and Soil by QPAIA. He truly believes in green diplomacy.