Giovanni Ottaviano

PostDoc Researcher, University of Molise

About Giovanni Ottaviano

Ph.D. in Biosciences and Territory - territorial curriculum (ICAR/20 - Urban planning technique) at the University of Molise, with a thesis about the relationship between protection of environmental qualities and territorial socio-economic development.
Former post-graduate fellow on the topics “Interactive environmental planning of the Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park” and “Innovative ways of developing the planning process of the Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park”.
Many years of experience in the planning and regulation of protected natural areas and in the Strategic Environmental Assessment procedure (also in integration with the Incidence Assessment and Management Plans of the Natura 2000 Network’s areas), acquired as part of the activities of the LISP laboratory (University of Molise).
Collaboration, in the same laboratory, in the drafting of territorial cooperation projects (Interreg ADRION and IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro) and international mobility projects (Erasmus+).
Continuous collaboration in the teaching activities of the courses of Territorial Tourism Planning (degree course in Tourism Sciences), Urban Planning Technique (degree course in Civil Engineering) and Territorial Planning (Master’s degree course in Civil Engineering) and in the seminars and project work activities of the II level professional master in Planning and promotion of the cultural landscape at the University of Molise.
Many year of collaboration in the production and post-production of professional photo and video services in the commercial, industrial and events markets at Blitz foto | video (San Salvo) and FotoGrafica srl (Lanciano).
Collaboration experience in architectural and landscape design (at Fagnoni & Associati Architetti, Florence) and in R&D in the construction and commercial field (at Gruppo D’Angelo & Antenucci, San Salvo).

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