Kriss Atkin

Development Administration Assistant, ClientEarth

About Kriss Atkin

I have worked in Further and Higher Education for most of my career. I have experience of project management, stakeholder management, business administration and process improvement. My last role was as a Research Student Manager looking after over 300 PhD computer science students. I decided to chase my dream of working in conservation when I had the opportunity to take voluntary redundancy...if not now, when? was finally the question that make me take the big scary jump. I'm really interested in rewilding, reintroducing species, habitat maintenance and general health of our world's wildlife and habitats. As a career switcher I have limited experience in conservation but have always been around animals and not afraid to get my hands dirty having worked on a farm when I was younger, and I'm keen horse rider. I am currently seeking local volunteer opportunities. Lock-down has obviously made things a bit harder to get as involved as I'd hoped, but am exploring the options that are available remotely.

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Education & training Institutional Management & Administration Project/programme management

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