Renuka Thakore

Researcher and Founder, University College of Estate Management

About Renuka Thakore

Dr Renuka Thakore is the Founder of Global Sustainable Futures: Progress through Partnership Network to achieve Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 targets. She provides a collaborative platform for innovative and transdisciplinary partnerships and capacity development for early career researchers joined by senior experienced researchers from Global South and Global North. Dr Thakore believes in broader sustainable development concept and uses multi-dimensional lens (social, economic, environmental, political, institutional, cultural, and technological) of sustainability, innovations, and theoretical framings to address the problems of societal systems and propagates this through various activities – research, teaching, and practice towards achieving global sustainable goals 2030 and beyond. She encourages systems thinking, engagement and active participation of multiple stakeholders for effective governance and management for sustainable transformations, use of transdisciplinary methodologies, co-creating solutions that are multi-modal and ‘value-added’ to relevant stakeholders. Renuka is proud of having support of 320 Coordinators from 79 countries.

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Oct 10, 2022
Replying to Lize Gibson-Hall

Thank you for sharing this Renuka this looks like it was a really interesting conference! Is there anyway to catch up on it if we missed the event? 

Dear Liza,

thank you for reaching out to me. Here is the link to the recording:

Jun 25, 2021

Thanks. I have registered. looking forward.

Jun 08, 2021


There is no need to register for this event. Instead, we would like you to join our Network, so that we can keep you updated with such activities as well as provide you an opportunity to participate in such events. Please fill this form if you are interested in joining the Global Sustainable Futures: Progress through Partnership Network:

Kindly join through the zoom link:

Looking forward to meeting you all.


Jun 08, 2021
Replying to Thirza Loffeld

Hi Renuka, can WildHub members attend this mid-year conference? If so, could you please provide a (meeting) link to register for this event? Many thanks and I hope it will be a fruitful conference!


There is no need to register for this event. Instead, we would like you to join our Network, so that we can keep you updated with such activities as well as provide you an opportunity to participate in such events. Please fill this form if you are interested in joining the Global Sustainable Futures: Progress through Partnership Network:

Kindly join through the zoom link:

Looking forward to meeting you all.


Jun 08, 2021

Hi Victoria, I cannot reach the event site to register myself. Could you please help me with this or recheck your link.


May 24, 2021

Hi Jose, Thank you for sharing our project TRUSH BUDDY… Great to see that it has a great potential in changing the landscape of household waste.

May 20, 2021

Hello everyone. A great pleasure to join Wild Hub. I have joined to engage with multidisciplinary dialogue.  

I am Founder of Global Sustainable Futures: Progress through Partnership Network to achieve Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 targets. I too provides a collaborative platform for innovative and transdisciplinary partnerships and capacity development for early career researchers joined by senior experienced researchers from Global South and Global North. I believe in broader sustainable development concept and use multi-dimensional lens (social, economic, environmental, political, institutional, cultural, and technological) of sustainability, innovations, and theoretical framings to address the problems of societal systems and propagates this through various activities – research, teaching, and practice towards achieving global sustainable goals 2030 and beyond. I encourage systems thinking, engagement and active participation of multiple stakeholders for effective governance and management for sustainable transformations, use of transdisciplinary methodologies, co-creating solutions that are multi-modal and ‘value-added’ to relevant stakeholders. I am proud of having support of 320 Coordinators from 79 countries.


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