María Susana Barreto (She/Her)

Fundraising Especialist, Provita
Nervours Daka


 Hello there I am a Donor relations specialist and grant writer learner eager to learn more about conservation organizations and the grant writing process that supports writing winning project proposals for conservation projects and non-conservation projects in Africa, particularly Zambia with a focus on biodiversity conservation, wildlife conservation health and community development projects
Davide Annese

student , WildTeam

I joined WildHub as part of my course "Project Planning for wildlife conservation". I am a career switcher interested in switching to a conservation career. My background is mostly in Synthetic and molecular Biology and biotechnology. I have a bachelor in Biology where I excelled in subjects like Zoology, ecology, and botanics. I have been an avid animals and plant lover for my whole life and I am approaching this field considering a switch in career. I am particularly into birds and bird conservation.
Mohamed Shrief Mokhtar Sobah Taalab

Senior environmental researcher, Ashtum El- Gamil Protectorate, Nature Conservation Sector, Ministry of Environment.

Patrick Jules ATAGANA

Lecturer , University of Ngaoundéré

I'm a young Ph.D (since 2021) researcher on bats ecology and Conservation. Currently I'm Lecturer (since January 2022) at university of Ngaoundéré, Faculty of Sciences and Biological Sciences department. 
Eyos Kevin Acha

Field officer, Nigeria Conservation Foundation

I am a passionate Field ornithologist, conservationist, Wildlife educationist and Researcher, with keen interest in forest birds, butterflies, Dragonfly and damselfly. 
Ssali Ogwal Ronald

Health and Conservation Officer, Conservation Through Public Health

A detail-oriented and analytical One Health Specialist with more than 5 years of experience while performing Public Health promotion and Wildlife conservation with related tasks working with both government and non-governmental institutions.
Juliana Avila Martins

Biologist, Raposinha do Pontal Project

My name is Juliana Martins, I'm a biologist and recently completed my MSc in Conservation Project Management at the University of Kent (UK). I'm currently working in the Hoary Fox Conservation Project as a project coordinator in Brazil.