About Ssali Ogwal Ronald
A detail-oriented and analytical One Health Specialist with more than 5 years of experience while performing Public Health promotion and Wildlife conservation with related tasks working with both government and non-governmental institutions.
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Independent Wildlife Consultant (Former Senior Veterinary Officer, AHD, UK Govt.), EY, WII,GIZ, Member, Wildlife SAB, Morris Animal Foundation, Colorado Member, WiNN Global Mentoring Committee
Nervours Daka
Suhail Bashir
Environmental Consultant, WildHub Community Advocate, ENS Environmnetal Consultancy Sharjah
Recent Comments
It was and will always be a pleasure working with you @Anne Mauro and your team– thanks for your contribution to this interview! This unearthed a lot of potential – and I'm looking forward to seeing more great things from you, me, and the Wildhub community. This was a unique perspective – thanks for adding something special to my work of One-Health!
Thank you for being such a great game-changer.
I will be grateful to share the results as soon as they are out.
Thank you very much for the wishes and hoping for the best.
Congratulations Anne! Allow me to also add my voice on congratulating you on becoming a valuable contributor to the WildHub Community!
Humbled to have worked with you, and hoping for the best in times a head.
Brilliant interview! Well done @Anne Mauro for facilitating. @Ssali Ogwal Ronald : many thanks for sharing your valuable insights and experiences with us! Your words that we need to connect the dots to make sure that it goes beyond just two disciplines, resonate with me. Also, I found your learnings about how gender may influence exposure to zoonotic diseases, insightful. I hope you can keep us updated on what you find in your Master's research project - interesting topic!
So much appreciate the Wildhub Community platform as this is a great tool for continued engagement of the community giving us a sense of belonging. It further enables us to share experiences and support the perpetual growth of each other, ourselves, our work, and our environment. @Thirza Loffeld, definitely I will give feedback on my research, and any other knowledge gained on gender and One-health
It was and will always be a pleasure working with you @Anne Mauro and your team– thanks for your contribution to this interview! This unearthed a lot of potential – and I'm looking forward to seeing more great things from you, me, and the Wildhub community. This was a unique perspective – thanks for adding something special to my work of One-Health!
Thank you for being such a great game-changer.
This is awesome @Aiita Joshua Apamaku. Conservation and Society are enhanced through several different avenues and I am pleased to see this innovative approach of BootCamp, the multimedia storytelling. I would be honored to support where I can, hoping to catch up.
Thank you for sharing this useful resource, Ssali. I have added the "Resources" badge and added your video to the "Podcasts & webinars (recordings)" channel so that members who opted in for this channel will be notified by email. Any questions, please let me know.
This is an awesome step, am only grateful and this is very thoughtful of you.
Welcome to WildHub Ssali, great to have you here.
So much honoured to be part of this great cause. Thanks so much Grace
A warm welcome to WildHub - great to have you join us! May I ask, in your view, what has been the most useful aspect of working with the One Health approach?
A better quality of life and improved healthy coexistence between people, livestock, and wildlife have been made possible through a One Health- multidisciplinary strategy that focuses on preventing and regulating disease transmission between humans and animals has been one of my most useful aspects of working with the One Health approach.