About Scovia Akello

A dynamic individual and researcher with interest in forest management , wood processing, wood-based bioeconomy, small-scale wood value chain and the environment (ecological restoration and ecosystem services). Am also passionate about mentorship and forest education

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Recent Comments

Sep 26, 2023

@Scovia Akello will surely share the link to the book. Thanks Thirza for the comment

here is the link to the free download...https://www.iufro.org/publications/joint-publications/article/2021/07/17/building-a-successful-forestry-career-in-africa/

Sep 26, 2023
Replying to Thirza Loffeld

Many thanks for sharing these useful insights @Scovia Akello and for facilitating the conversation @Temitope Rebecca Adelola !

@Scovia Akello : what are the reason(s) that many young people land into Forestry but it's not their first career choice? 

@Temitope Rebecca Adelola : would you perhaps have the link for us to the book “Building a Successful Forestry Career in Africa?

Thanks both for sharing your expertise & your time! 

Perhaps this interview is also of interest to you: @Adebisi Baliqeez Motunrayo , @Eko Omobola , @Jumoke B. Oguntimehin , @Maggie Munthali , @Sarah Namiiro , and @Farid Uddin Ahmed   - look forward to hearing more about your experiences at this point in time. 

@Thirza Loffeld to respond to this question - (what are the reason(s) that many young people land into Forestry but it's not their first career choice? ) i think the issue is the level of awareness among young people.

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