Sikela Namangolwa (He/Him)

Environmental Education Officer, Wildlife & Environmental Conservation Society of Zambia

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Jun 22, 2024

Hi Vimbainashe, 

Indeed your observations on the need for conservation education cannot be over-emphasized. I work in a very similar setup at the Wildlife and Environmental Conservation Society of Zambia and my organisation has managed a Conservation Education program for over three decades now. What has helped us implement this program and reach out to countless children and youths over the years is our Strategic Partnership with the Zambian Ministry of Education. With the endorsement of the Ministry, we have been able to leverage the available structures by way of working with the teachers (whom we have been training) to serve as conservation clubs Patrons and Matrons.

In addition, my organisation has put together a curriculum that speaks to the conservation education needs of Zambia and gone a step further to provide education materials in the form of club magazines. The club lessons are delivered by the Patrons and Matrons through the weekly extra-curricula club days that each school is required to have in place. My role comes in to ensure that the teachers are supported with all they need to implement this program. In my view, this programme and approach has stood the test of time and would be very happy to recommend a similar approach to others wishing to start a similar initiative. 

I am very happy to connect for further interactions with everyone wishing to explore this topic in further detail. See more about my organization's conservation education program here


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