Digital Innovation in Conservation Webinar by Kang4Nature
Webinar outline and highlights:
- Introduction to the webinar
- Presentation 1: "WildHub: Making conservation smarter to save wildlife on a global scale"
by Thirza Loffeld, WildHub Community Manager, WildTeam UK (from 4:14 min) featuring Core Community members @Grace Alawa , @Eberechi Cecilia Osuagwu, Wildhub Advocate , @Muthoni Njuguna , @Elizabeth Githendu and @Aiita Joshua Apamaku in the WildHub video - Presentation 2: "Wild Biotech and Nature Perspectives" by Gal Zanir, Founder, Nature Perspectives, Israel (from 14:00 min)
- Presentation 3: "Earth Ranger Technology in Amboseli National Park, Kenya" by Masai Joseph and Christine Mwinzi, Amboseli National Park, Kenya (from 27:12 min)
- 35:00 minutes: Q&A Panel discussion, including answers to the questions
- Is the Earth Ranger technology only used in Amboseli NP or used also in other parts of Kenya? How long has it been used? How has the uptake of the rangers been (answered by Masai Joseph)
- How to join the WildHub community? (answered by Thirza Loffeld; 38:10 min)
- In terms of development and sustainability, what do you think will work? (answered by Gal Zanir, 39:00 min)
The use of AI is definitely the future, Africa has plenty to contribute. Sadly, Africans may end up as consumers instead of developers. Let's create equity and access at the table for African conservationists" (Dr Winnie Kiiru, Executive Director at Mpala Research Centre, Kenya; from 42:00 min)
- Is there any aspect of technology that could benefit Kenyan conservationists? (answered by Gal Zanir; 43:45 min)
Read the "Digital Disruption for Conservation" Toolkit made available by the Digital Disruption and the Future of Conservation project team at Unearthodox. It is designed to provide conservation practitioners with an introduction to Web 3.0 and AI concepts and their potential use for nature conservation (Gal Zanir, Founder, Nature Perspectives, Israel)
- Where is Nature Perspective in the development of their initiative? (answered by Gal Zanir; from 46:00 min)
- Any challenges faced using the technologies in Amboseli NP to reduce human-wildlife conflict? (answered by Masai Joseph, from 47:00 min)
- Which projects can (early-career) conservationists contribute to in wildlife conservation? (answered by Thirza Loffeld, from 49:50 min)
The WildHub Catalyst programme teams up WildHub members with experts through their WildHub coaches. Connecting to other conservationists can help strengthen our motivation, our dedication to make a difference, to make an impact and start collaborating. You can join this programme here." (Thirza Loffeld, WildHub Community Manager, WildTeam UK)
- How can young people contribute to conservation? (answered by Gal Zanir; from 52:50)
- Apart from planting trees to conserve habitat, what are other projects that conservationist can do? (Answered by Masai Joseph; from 53:45 min)
Technology cannot work by itself, it needs a conservationist. We need to create awareness, starting with our young generation, so that they embrace and appreciate conservation [...] it's a collective responsibility. (Masai Joseph, Principal HR Officer, Amboseli National Park, Kenya)
- A perspective of stepping back and assessing how certain technology is beneficial to us in conservation (Collins Busuru, CEO at Kang4Nature; from 55:50)
We need to have a shift in our mindset. Most of the technology we use in conservation comes from other areas. We need to pull in more engineers, creators, and anyone who can help us create cutting-edge technology (Collins Busuru, CEO at Kang4Nature)
- Closing remarks and thoughts from the panelists (from 59:00 min)
- Top tips on how to benefit from online communities by WildHub Conservation Catalyst @Temitope Rebecca Adelola (from 01:00:00). More of Temi's advice can be found on WildHub here.
Share Your Unique Perspective: Don't be afraid to bring your unique perspective and experiences to the table. Diverse viewpoints enrich the community and can lead to innovative solutions (Temitope Adelola, FAO, Nigeria and WildHub Conservation Catalyst)
"Bringing your own perspective leads to the innovation. The best innovators I know will share their perspectives with others. (Gal Zanir; 1:02:00)"
"Whatever you do, how ever little the thing, continue with what you are doing. Like planting a tree, it may seem small, but can have big impact. Kenya has many beautiful places, but we lose these places if we do not take our responsibility." (Masai Joseph: 1:04:00)
It is your little big thing that is able to change the world
Happy world Wildlife Day!"
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