New feature: My Network

We've just released our exciting new feature and we can't wait to tell you all about it!
The feature is called 'My Network' and it has 3 subpages which allow you to have a personalised view of the people, analytics and rooms in our WildHub community.
You'll see the 'My Network' button in the top right of the site, next to the Create button. When you click on it you'll be offered the choice between 'Rooms', 'Analytics' or 'People'.
On this page you'll see an overview of the rooms of which you're a member or contributor.
You'll also see the text "Recent activity" displayed under any of your rooms where there has been recent activity. If you click on this, new conversations and content will appear. This way you can keep up to date with all the recent changes in our community without having to click in and out of each room, or rely on your email notifications.
On this page you'll see three sections; recommended experts, experts following you and experts you're following.
The recommended experts are chosen based on the 'areas of expertise' question you completed during your registration with WildHub. For example, if you've said that you're interested in species management and Education & training then these experts will have this in common with you. You'll be able to visit their profile or follow them directly from this page.
The two followers lists below allow you to easily send a message, start a video panel, or visit the profile of someone to whom you're connected.
This page is a great way to learn about and connect with different members in our WildHub community.
This is an existing page in a new location. Previously, this page existed only in the drop down list underneath your avatar in the top right of the page.
My Network is a personalised view of the community so it made sense to add "My analytics" under this heading.
We hope you're as excited as we are about this updated feature! A big thank you to the Zapnito team for their amazing work on this feature, in particular Ed Phillips and Maria Traistaru for sharing this update with us! Please let us know if you have any questions on
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