The Art of Being Ready for Anything. What is organisational resilience and why should we care?

Over 5 days, from the 7th to the 11th of November 2022, Fauna & Flora International (FFI) and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) held a global online Organisational Resilience Festival.
The aim was to support local and regional nature conservation organisations adopt strengthened approaches for anticipating, coping and adapting to increasingly challenging circumstances and crises. The festival featured webinars, training events, panel discussions and real world experiences from practitioners, facilitators and donors.
Where possible, sessions were recorded and we'll be sharing links to both recordings and slides with you on WildHub over the coming few weeks. Please click on the "Watch" button of this 'Building Organisational Resilience Room' so you are notified of any new recording that we publish there. Note that whilst live sessions were available in multiple languages, all videos are unfortunately only available in English.
This first recording is the Keynote speech of the Festival delivered by Dr Tracy Hatton, Resilient Organisations.
Organisational resilience is not just a sum of resilient individuals.... An Organisational's resilience is impacted by the people within it, but also by the organisation's systems, norms, it's structures, it's processes and it's context." (Dr Tracy Hatton, Resilient Organisations)
This webinar was made possible through funding by Arcadia –a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin.
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Thank you so much for sharing this Chloe for those that were unable to attend. I would love how involved you were in running this event and whether you have any top tips for making it a success.