About Nicola Williamson
My interested include habitat restoration, especially in a tropical forest context and endangered tree species. I have worked as a Ranger in Scotland and before that i worked in agriculture. I have an MSc in ecology and conservation.
Recent Comments
Hi Irhamna,
I am currently volunteering at FNPF Bali Wildlife Rescue Centre. Your project sounds really interesting and I would love to visit your rescue centre one day. I will look into your project and see if I can help. I have alot to learn about Indonesian wildlife and the rehabilitation of these animals back into the wild but i hope one day to see them free again.
Merlyn, Thank you for your article, I really enjoyed reading it. I think you points are so true and it has been an issue that has bothered me for a while. I am white, working class and Scottish. 8 years ago I was studied an MSc in London in environmental politics, which i didn't not finish, (another story), while there i took the opportunity to go to as many conservation events as i could, which even with a student discount were expensive. One event was at London Zoo and was a 2 day event about 'Protecting more Places', essentially creating more national parks. the event had speakers from 4 continents, working on many different projects, representing universities, governments and NGO's. I tried my hardest to ask a question all day, but the usual suspects of the 'everyone knows everyone' world of conservation got the say but not an unknown student. In the end i went up to one of the organisers and asked them " why they had no single person who was born and raised in any of the projects nations represent the work being done in their country, why had they failed to included the demographic of nations the predominately white western lead projects were running in other countries", the answer i got was an embarrassed and shameful 'they can't afford it', pathetic.
i have never taken for granted my unequal access to pick and choose a country that i can access and afford to do unpaid volunteer work for but i hope i have always respected the knowledge, realities and concerns of the local people. I will hopefully be back in Indonesia very soon, where my partner (he's Indonesian) and i can work in conservation together, with the local people, for them and nature and for us.
Sorry for the long winded comment, i would be very keen to see talk more about this issue and come up with ideas about how conservation can be accessible to all people. thanks Nicola