Alexander Denney

Volunteer Conservation Project Leader and Digital Nomad , Gloucestershire Toads on Roads

About Alexander Denney

I am a wildlife conservationist that is currently working remotely for a range of ESL roles across various companies as I travel. I also run and manage the volunteer organisation Gloucestershire Toads on Roads, which has 200 signed up volunteers and was responsible for saving over 6000 toads in 2021. I am from the UK and hold undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in conservation science.

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Charity/Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO)

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Education & training Project/programme management

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Recent Comments

Feb 11, 2021

Hi Jennifer, would these grants be able to help someone become a ranger? 

Comment on Hello, I am Jo
May 25, 2020

Hi Jo, that sounds really amazing and interesting! I am currently in China myself and working as an english teacher with a valid Z Visa. My background is in Conservation Science and this gibbon project sounds like something I would love to be involved with. Could you send more information about it and how if possible I could get involved?

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