Lovelater Sebele (She/Her)

Senior Vulture Conservation Officer - Southern Africa , BirdLife International
Nkusi Gerald

Founder & CEO, Food Forests Africa Movement

As a promoter of culture and diversity, Gerald Nkusi is a travel ecopreneur with Adventure Afrika and founder of Home of Kigezi (a Museum of Living Culture and Natural History), Nkunga Eco Village, and the Food Forest Africa movement. His roots and home are in Kisoro, a part of the Kigezi region in Uganda. Starting as a waiter trading long nights of work for education at the famous Makerere University 2006 and a US Exchange Alumni-IVLP 2017, he has transformed into a local and global actor in the cultural heritage and conservation space. Gerald's Food Forest Africa movement is revolutionizing the use of small and waste spaces for food, health, education and environment to help counter food insecurity, poor nutrition, and the degradation of natural resources.