Rochelle Katlego Mphetlhe (She/Her)

Researcher, Raptors Botswana

About Rochelle Katlego Mphetlhe

I hold an MSc in Conservation Biology from the University of Cape Town, under the FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology. My project was about quantifying raptor abundance trends in Botswana, through raptor road surveys. I drove 26000 km observing and recording any raptors, perching or flying. This infused my passion for nature and wildlife protection and conservation, as I gained experience in handling live birds such as vultures, eagles etc. My interests include bird ringing, outdoor camping, hiking, and going out for picnics. I am currently a researcher for a Honeyguide-Human mutualism investigation project in northern Botswana. I am also training to become a qualified bird ringer.

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