Ziva Justinek (She/Her)

Programme Manager, Programme Selamatkan Yaki (YAKIN PAS)

About Ziva Justinek

I have particular interest in conservation and behavioural ecology with experience in tropical rainforests of Indonesia. Currently I work for an ngo connecting the social sciences knowledge with conservation and I've been learning a lot through it. Besides my endless love for primates, snakes and crocs, I am keen about marine biology also and have some work experience working in the Philippines in the past.

Which category below best describes the type of organisation you currently work for/or run?

Charity/Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO)

Areas of expertise

Behaviour change campaigns Education & training Livelihood, Economic & Moral Incentive Project/programme management Research

Would you be willing to be approached and share your lessons learned in your area(s) of expertise with our community?


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Recent Comments

Dec 29, 2022
Replying to Lize Gibson-Hall

Thank you so much for sharing this training opportunity Kay. 

Thank you, dear Lize, very interesting!! :)


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