Yaki Magz: Edisi II (Indonesian)


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Go to the profile of Reyni Tresia Palohoen
over 2 years ago

Thank you for uploading this @Thirza Loffeld. We only recently finished distributed the whole 1000 hard copies around the school and outreach activities. What a hard work to put this together.

Go to the profile of Thirza Loffeld
over 2 years ago

That's such an amazing achievement!! Well done to you and the team & thanks for sharing this update, Reyni! Also, -out of interest - in which campaign areas where the hard copies distributed? 

Go to the profile of Reyni Tresia Palohoen
over 2 years ago

@Thirza Loffeld It was a mixed production of yaki Magz 2 and 3 in early 2019 and were distributed widely through the info stand activities in the 10 traditional market areas across the province and various events till recently around Minahasa induk as the latest campaign area.

Go to the profile of Thirza Loffeld
over 2 years ago

Brilliant work! Thanks again for sharing, Rey! Would you be able to invite Prisi to WildHub so that I can add her as a contributor of this publication as well? Would be great to acknowledge her for her hard work on this Yaki magz too :)