Learn the fundamentals and build confidence in GIS in a small group with personalised tuition
- Course starts: 22 November 2021
- Time commitment: 4 weeks part-time (5 hours/week), when it suits you
- Cost: 200 earlybird (by midnight GMT Wednesday 10 November) or £300 standard. You can pay as an individual, or raise a purchase order in your institution
- Deadline: apply by Friday 19 November, 13:00 UTC
For more information and to register, visit https://verdantlearn-courses.webflow.io/courses/gis-beginners-nov-2021
- Study in a small cohort of up to 25 conservationists
- Receive individually-tailored advice and support
- Gain feedback to develop your theoretical understanding and help you apply your new practical skills
- Bring your own field data into QGIS, overlay it on free environmental data, and create meaningful maps
- Build your confidence to use GIS independently beyond the course
The learning materials are available to self-study for free at https://courses.verdantlearn.org
By joining a paying course, you support the development of new learning materials and allow us to offer free MOOCs, generating more learning opportunities for conservationists who cannot afford to pay
Please share amongst your networks if you know people who might benefit. Thank you
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