International Macaque Week is coming soon! Do you have IMW plans?

International Macaque Week (IMW), which takes place annually over the first week of May, is a great opportunity for macaque-enthusiastic NGOs and others, including sanctuaries, zoos and educational institutions, to promote awareness of, and empathy for, one of the world’s most heavily persecuted groups of primates, and to let the world know about their work to protect them.
Participation can range from a simple macaque-positive social media post using a set of pre-agreed hashtags to running macaque-focused fundraising or other events anywhere in the world. IMW was founded by Barbary Macaque Awareness and Conservation (BMAC) and in 2024 will be coordinated by the AfA Macaque Coalition (MACC).
Date: 1-7 May annually
Audience: Public, NGOs, Educational Institutions
Social media:
Webpage: (tba)
Macaque Positivity: Celebrating Macaque Lives
If you/your organization or institution wants to take part in IMW, then please do so! Participation can range from a simple social media post to planning a large event. Please remember to always use #internationalmacaqueweek alongside any other hashtags of your choice!
Please contact me here, or email to arrange a chat/for more info.
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@Reyni Tresia Palohoen and @Yunita Siwi : perhaps of interest to you and the Selematkan Yaki team? Feel free to spread the word in your (macaque) networks!
Yes, the more the merrier! Selamatkan Yaki is welcome. We've been speaking to @Ziva Justinek about this, who can hopefully pass on any/all details to Reyni and Yunita! :)
Thank you for sharing this here.
I hope there would be a certificate of participation for this 🤔.
Hello there! I'm not sure that it's formal enough to warrant participation certificates - it's more of a collective effort for those organizations and individuals who advocate for macaques, their conservation and their welfare to really highlight their work and why they do it. Do you see it differently? I'd be interested to know more!