Hello, I am Inemesit Edem Eniang. I am from Mbak Atai, Itam, Itu Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom
State, Nigeria. I belong to the family of Professor Edem A.Eniang. I am 19 years old.
A student of Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia state; i study Forestry and
Environmental Management. I work as a volunteer at Biodiversity Preservation Center (BPC), Uyo,
Nigeria www.biodiversitypreservationcenter.org .
At BPC Nigeria, I grow and nurse both animals and trees as well as conduct visitors on conservation
education visits; I joined the organization in their community/conservation awareness programs in
different locations in Nigeria to preach against the indiscriminate killing/poaching of Nigeria's
endangered species.
I am always inspired and enthusiastic about nature; I was inspired to study forestry and environmental
management at the age of 13 when I accompanied my father on an ecological survey at Ibeno beach,
Ibeno LGA, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. It was an interesting experience but I didn’t really understand
what my father was doing till the day I was taught about ecology as a topic in Biology ( Senior Secondary
School Class1 ) .
I am presently a volunteer for the Nigerian Bird Atlas Project which is owned by the A•P Leventis
Ornithological Institute, Jos, Nigeria. I often participate and join project members of the South East,
South South Atlas team (SESSAT) to conduct different field trips in the South East and South South
geopolitical zones of Nigeria.
I am a founding staff of Dangerous Animals Controllers International Limited (DACIL) , Uyo Akwa Ibom
State, Nigeria www.dangerousanimalscontrollers.com I also belong to the Ibom bird club which is one of the activities organized and established by the Biodiversity Preservation Center. I became a member of the club to help promote birding, record and submit field biological data on birds of different species in Nigeria depending on the location we are directed to work on by the NiBAP officials/directors.
I still take records and pictures of both plant and animals for data submission at iNaturalist.org. I enjoy, travelling, wildlife photography and biodiversity conservation.
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Hi Inemesit! Welcome to the Wildhub Community
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Welcome to WildHub, Inemesit!
Thank you 🙏
You are Welcome @Inemesit Eniang .
Thank you 🙏
Inemesit, good to have you join us. Please take time to explore the WildHub community; courses on Wildlife Conservation, our monthly WildHub socials as well as a diverse range of opportunities. Welcome.
Thank you 🙏,i would be doing that.