About Thomas Worsdell
I work with Indigenous communities in all the practical and strategic processes that support their territorial autonomy and self-determined developmental agendas. In a beautifully complex world, that can mean anything from technical GIS support, monitoring biodiversity in territory, analyzing invasions and threats to territory, strategizing and obtaining the necessary data to fill gaps to support legal cases against threats and support informed decision-making. I am an interdisciplinary academic-activist working with Indigenous nationalities and representative organisations in pursuit and actualization of their autonomy and collectively self-determined vision. I have worked on the intersection between international law, national judicial systems, international environmental commitments, extractive industries and the plural visions of Indigenous Peoples and other historically minoritized groups. My focus has been on human rights-based approaches to conservation and what they imply in current law, traditional/local ecological knowledge, and Indigenous leadership in navigating an encroaching world (community-based monitoring and mapping of territory (for biodiversity, threats, culture, etc.)). I have worked across South America and both South and Southeast Asia and have now returned to the Amazonian region as the monitoring field coordinator for Amazon Frontlines. For my work things feel free to skim my LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/tomatitoperdido
Which category below best describes the type of organisation you currently work for/or run?
Areas of expertise
Would you be willing to be approached and share your lessons learned in your area(s) of expertise with our community?
Influencer Of
Amanda Mendonça Ferreira de Andrade e Silva
Wildlife Veterinarian, Savannah Medicina Veterinária
Nervours Daka
Suhail Bashir
Environmental Consultant, WildHub Community Advocate, ENS Environmnetal Consultancy Sharjah
Recent Comments
Dear Datu Lanelio Sangcoan,
Thank you for sharing the troubles facing your community during this time of hardship. I write to you as I am currently affiliated to the Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP), based in Chiang Mai Thailand. AIPP is an Indigenous Peoples Organisation and works across South and Southeast Asia, including in the Philippines. Katribu, the Cordillera Peoples Alliance, the BAI Indigenous Women's Network and several other national Philippine Indigenous Organisations are members. There are several avenues we can explore to provide assistance to you and your community.
I will be writing an email shortly to introduce you to some of my colleagues so we can better understand the details of your situation and together plan the best way to move forward according to the needs of your community.
I will write an email to the address you have provided above in due time. Thank you for reaching out here and thank you for your patience.
We will be in touch.