Influencer Of
Marta Villasán Barroso
Biodiversity Conservation Biologist , Ecoenergías del Guadiana / Fauna&Vida NGO / SEO BirdLife
Biodiversity Conservation Biologist , Ecoenergías del Guadiana / Fauna&Vida NGO / SEO BirdLife
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Recent Comments
Hi Adam! I'm new to WildHub too and looking forward to connecting with community-based conservation practicioners like yourself. I live in rural Kenya and work at a wildlife research station, so I can definitely relate to feeling like my bubble is pretty small at times.
Gibbons have become one of my current favorite animals after watching behind-the-scenes videos of gibbons from one of my favorite US zoos, so I'm looking forward to seeing your photos of them and hearing stories!
Take care and be well. - Meg