Gino Brignoli

Biodiversity Officer, Cody Dock

About Gino Brignoli

I am an active invertebrate recorder in London’s green spaces, with a particular interest in the ecologies of urban insects.

I've worked as FSC BioLinks Project Officer and as a freelance field surveyor on behalf of the Forestry Commission; researched ant ecology and evolution, and taught entomology field techniques whilst employed as a Research Assistant at Queen Mary University of London. With a keen interest in ecology and entomology, I studied an MSc in Ecology and Evolution from Queen Mary and a BSc in Biodiversity and Conservation from Birkbeck College, University of London.

Previously, I volunteered with the Lepidoptera department and Soil Biodiversity Group at the Natural History Museum, and on the Thorn to Orchid and Water for Wildlife projects with the London Wildlife Trust.

I now work as Biodiversity OFficer for Cody Dock.

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Education & training Monitoring and evaluation Species Management

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