An introduction to Zoom

A quick introduction to some of the useful things Zoom can do

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There have been a few questions recently about how to use Zoom, so I put this short (slightly goofy) video together yesterday. It covers a few of the useful things Zoom can do, but certainly not everything.

What other features of Zoom do you find useful? Or can you recommend other video conferencing software? I am happy to answer any Zoom related questions anyone has on here.

Hope everyone is staying safe and staying sane.

Warm wishes,


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Go to the profile of Gwen Maggs
over 4 years ago

This is a really useful and informative video outlining clearly the tools within ZOOM for workshops, I was particularly interested in break-out rooms. We will be running a virtual workshop next month and this will allow us to prepare the tech thoroughly beforehand and hopefully allow things to run smoothly. Thank you for sharing this resource. Gwen