Another Art Social?

The first art social was a lot of fun, and I love that there's a gallery space on Gather. Who would be interested in another art social?
Another Art Social?

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The first art social turned out well; I'd love to see another happen! Unfortunately, I don't have the time to organize it right now, but I'd (try to) participate if there's interest. Does anybody here have work they'd like to share & chat about?   

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Go to the profile of Grace Alawa
almost 2 years ago

I didn't attend the first one, I would be interested in attending one to know what it's like.

Go to the profile of Lara Reden
almost 2 years ago

That's great, Grace! Like other WildHub events, it was hosted on Gather. Community members submitted works of art, and these were displayed in a gallery space. Artists also submitted a statement about the piece, and people chatted at the event as they walked around the gallery space. Anybody who went to the first one who can provide feedback to make the next one better, great! 

@Alan J. Hesse @Giuseppe Forestieri @Lize Gibson-Hall @Kevin Albin @Sofiya Shukhova @Linda Guilbeau @Nadav Shashar @Carolyn Rosevelt, MSc 

Go to the profile of Elias Gaveta
over 1 year ago

Would love to be part of the next one

Go to the profile of Lara Reden
over 1 year ago

@Elias Gaveta, that's great! This is the callout from the last social. Please fill out the sign-up form at the bottom and include any dates that might work for you. @Thirza Loffeld 

Go to the profile of Lize Gibson-Hall
over 1 year ago

Definitely love to attend again if I can! 

Go to the profile of Lara Reden
over 1 year ago

Great, @Lize Gibson-Hall! Do you have recent work you'd like to share?