INTRINSIC: Integrating rights and social issues in conservation

Contemporary conservation practice involves working with communities and other groups of people. This requires knowledge about social systems that are often not gained through conservationist professionals’ traditional education. These free resources will help address this crucial capacity gap.
INTRINSIC: Integrating rights and social issues in conservation

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These training materials are the main output of INTRINSIC, a Cambridge Conservation Initiative Collaborative Fund project between BirdLife International, Fauna & Flora International (FFI), Tropical Biology Association (TBA), and the Department of Geography, University of Cambridge. Please find an overview of a training package on ‘Social and rights-based principles in conservation’ widely available on an open access basis in print and online. For any questions regarding these materials, please contact Helen Schneider, FFI's Senior Technical Adviser - Conservation, Livelihoods & Governance, at

Trainers Guide

Intrinsic Powerpoint Slides_Topic 1 Social Context

Intrinsic Powerpoint Slides_Topic 2 Social Diversity

Intrinsic Powerpoint Slides_Topic 3 Gender

Intrinsic Powerpoint Slides_Topic 4 Intro to Governance

Intrinsic Powerpoint Slides_Topic 5 Rights-based Approaches

Intrinsic Powerpoint Slides_Topic 6 Equity Participation and Power

Intrinsic Powerpoint Slides_Topic 7 Conflict Management

Intrinsic Powerpoint Slides_Topic 8 Livelihoods and Wellbeing 

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Go to the profile of Ussi Abuu Mnamengi
almost 4 years ago


Go to the profile of Thirza Loffeld
almost 4 years ago

Thanks Ussi and happy birthday! 

Go to the profile of Jessica Labaja
almost 4 years ago

This is brilliant. Thank you!

Go to the profile of Thirza Loffeld
almost 4 years ago

You're most welcome Jessica! 

Go to the profile of Natalie Rhoades
almost 4 years ago

A wonderful resource, Thirza! 

Go to the profile of Thirza Loffeld
almost 4 years ago

Thanks Natalie and I look forward to our Conservation Catalyst meeting later today!

Go to the profile of Nuno Negrões
almost 4 years ago

Thank looks great!

Go to the profile of Thirza Loffeld
almost 4 years ago

Thanks Nuno! 

Go to the profile of Sheyka Nugrahani Fadela
over 2 years ago

Thank you so much!

Go to the profile of Thirza Loffeld
over 2 years ago

You're most welcome Sheyka and it's really thanks to Helen Schneider at FFI for designing these materials :) 

Go to the profile of Thirza Loffeld
over 2 years ago

Forgot to ask you: would you be able to invite 1-2 conservation professionals to WildHub who could benefit from these materials as well? This way we can spread our knowledge even wider! You will find the invite button on our homepage. Thanks, Sheyka!