Brooke Tully

Behavior change marketer, Brooke Tully

About Brooke Tully

I help conservationists around the world design outreach and communication plans that motivate action & change. My methodology brings together best practices from commercial advertising, relevant theories from the behavioral & social sciences, insights from global consumer trends, and real-world conservation experiences.

Offering: online workshops, online courses, and consulting services.

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Areas of expertise

Behaviour change campaigns Communication and marketing

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Recent Comments

Mar 18, 2024

Thank you so much for the endorsement, Ana! I really appreciate it. 

Mar 08, 2022

Enrollment is now open for the April-May Making Moves cohort!

Enroll by March 27 to join us:

Do you feel like your conservation program would benefit from incorporating more behavior change strategies, but you’re not sure where to begin? Then Making Moves is the course for you!

The 8-week online course equips practitioners with the skills, insights, and strategic agility needed to create powerful and long-lasting conservation movements. Details are provided at the link above.

The next cohort runs from April 4 - May 27. Reach out with any questions.

Sep 02, 2021

Hi there! It's awesome that you've shared this here and are asking for feedback. 

I have two thoughts to share on the Theory of Change related to motivating behaviors.

1) The "Love for Tigers" campaign. It's worth exploring through qualitative research if motivating people to "love" tigers will be a realistic goal of a campaign. In situations like these, it can be hard to transition people from "I fear and hate tigers" to "I love them." A more feasible creative strategy could be focusing on co-existence ("we're tiger-friendly") or focused mainly on the human-side ("keeping our families and livelihoods safe, while also protecting nature") - which is the responsibility angle you mention in the diagram.

2) Related is the box on "fear of being arrested increases". You can link together these two initiatives: increasing a sense of responsibility for co-existence can serve as a deterrent for killing tigers, especially as it becomes more of a social norm and expectation. Only relying on fear or penalties (i.e., all stick and no carrot) can be difficult to achieve results if enforcement is not strong or able to catch all the infractions. I typically recommend a healthy balance of motivators first and risk of penalty second. Here's a short slideshare I developed on this topic:

Hope that helps. Good luck!



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