Dr Renuka Thakore is the Founder of Global Sustainable Futures: Progress through Partnership Network to achieve Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 targets. She provides a collaborative platform for innovative and transdisciplinary partnerships and capacity development for early career researchers joined by senior experienced researchers from Global South and Global North. Dr Thakore believes in broader sustainable development concept and uses multi-dimensional lens (social, economic, environmental, political, institutional, cultural, and technological) of sustainability, innovations, and theoretical framings to address the problems of societal systems and propagates this through various activities – research, teaching, and practice towards achieving global sustainable goals 2030 and beyond. She encourages systems thinking, engagement and active participation of multiple stakeholders for effective governance and management for sustainable transformations, use of transdisciplinary methodologies, co-creating solutions that are multi-modal and ‘value-added’ to relevant stakeholders. Renuka is proud of having support of 320 Coordinators from 79 countries.
I'm a biologist, with a great passion for population ecology, conservation biology, and wildlife technology. I am particularly keen on wildlife monitoring with trail cameras. Also, I have a special interest in managing conflicts between humans and large carnivores, as well as rewilding.
Jessica Rothwell
Biodiversity, wildlife & ecosystem health project management, strategy development, Rewidling, Nature Restoration
MSc Biodiversity, Wildlife and Ecosystem Health. Experience in project management, strategy development, content development (on and off line), helped to develop one of the first word of mouth marketing agencies and lots of experience in Corporate Communications, Marketing & Advertising. Love all things nature based, adventurous, innovative and positive (whilst able to engage with the less positive to turn things around).
Rosalind Bown
Exeter MSc student - Marine Vertebrate Ecology and Conservation, University of Exeter
I had work variety a conservation area. I started as young researcher, and then I work in Restoration Ecosystem also have experience with community development. Right now, I work as management support for orangutan conservation and running project landscape based in Leuser and Batang Toru. Also, I aim to as Project Management Specialist.
I have an MSc in Applied Ecology and Conservation from the University of East Anglia in Norwich, UK. I am originally from the United States but now live in North Wales with my partner.
Edy Hendras Wahyono
Conservation Education, Nature Conservation Education Foundation (YAPEKA)
Saya Edy Hendras, sebelumnya sebagaai peneliti mengenai primata terutama oranguta, dan sudah menulis tentang buku panduan lapangan untuk primataa Indonesia.
Kami mempunyai lembaga Yayasan Pendidikan Konservasi alam, yang didirikan sejak tahun 2004. Kegiatan yayasan kami adalah pendidikan lingkungan untuk pelatihan guru, pembuatan buku modul sekolah, buku permainan serta buku-buku yang terkait dengan keagaamaan, misalnya Buku Modul Pendidikan Lingkungan Untuk Pesantren.
Selain itu juga membantu dalam berbagai kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat, seperti pengembangan ekowisata, pertanian organik, pembuatan biogas serta peningkatan kapasitas. Semua kegiatan di lakukan baik di teresterial ataupun di laut/marine, yang terkait dengan konservasi kawasan
Ana Di Pangracio
Biodiversity Director and Deputy Director, Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN)
Lawyer (University of Buenos Aires). Specialised in environmental law (Argentine Catholic University). IUCN Councillor (2021-2025). Member of the UNCCD CSO Panel (2022-2024). Observer at the UNCCD Intergovernmental Working Group on Drought (2022-2024).
Biodiversity, human rights and gender. A passionate advocate for nature protection with an ecosystem and human rights-based approach. Naturalist and birdwatcher. Over a decade experience working in civil society organisations and networks, as an environmental consultant, lecturer and editor.
I am a conservation biologist with great interest in the application of conservation science into a practical solution. I work with scientists, practitioners and academics in conservation and sustainability sector. Specialties: SE Asia terrestrial ecology (in bats and other mammals), High Conservation Values (HCV), Natural Resource Management & Conservation, Interdisciplinary Research, Quality Assurance, Sustainability Issues (in oil palm sector).
After a decade of training to be a wildlife conservationist, I founded Lonely Conservationists to help conservationists thrive by providing a platform to be heard, employment pathways and a strong community foundation. As well as running Lonely Conservationists, I teach sustainability incursions and excursions to school students in a classroom, forest and marine park environments.
I'm a consultant collaborating with Unearthodox as an External Innovator, where I'm dedicated to mapping innovative Web 3.0 technology solutions and opportunities for conservation organisations in order to maximise our impact. As well as developing tools to support knowledge sharing, integration, and implementation of specific Web 3.0 technologies into conservation organisations and their projects. Are you working in or with Web 3.0 technologies such as blockchain, tokens, NFTs, VR, AR, DAOs, IoT, and the metaverse, developing new ideas and projects? Or are you just curious about this technology? If so, please reach out and get in touch, as it would be great to connect and discuss your thoughts and experiences!
I am a Sustainable Conservation Practitioner and Capacity Builder with over twenty years of progressive experience working as a Field Researcher, Ecology Manager, Independent Conservation Science Consultant, and Academic Dean of the School of Wildlife Conservation at the African Leadership University. I have a Master in Conservation Biology from the Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology, University of Kent, and a Ph.D. from Nottingham Trent University which researched the variations in brown hyaena density and distribution across South Africa. My career has taken me from fundamental field-based ecology and conservation management, project design, and implementation to training and developing the next generation of ethical entrepreneurial mission-driven conservation leaders for the future of the African continent. This focused on the ‘Business of Conservation’ to ensure that conservation becomes an opportunity for economic and social development, where natural capital is sustained or grown even for the betterment of our communities. I have conducted large carnivore and human-wildlife conflict research in national parks, conservancies, and private farmland across Eastern and Southern Africa. I have worked for international NGOs based in the UK and regional NGOs in Africa. I undertook the National Leopard Census Project which took a multi-disciplinary approach to understand the pressures on, and status of, the leopard population across Namibia.
Affordable, flexible and sociable online learning in technical skills for conservation and open education. Support for virtual and hybrid conferences and events
I am passionate about primates, felids and large mammals, conservation education and outreach.
I am a conservation scientist focused on understanding the impacts of landscape-scale disturbance on tropical biodiversity. I’m particularly interested in how we can combine acoustic technologies and machine learning to quantitatively assess these impacts, as well as assess the effectiveness of conservation initiatives. I'm currently a postdoc researcher at the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, UW-Madison using soundscapes to assess the value of forest certification for wildlife in logged forests in Gabon. Previously, I completed my PhD at the Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology focused on bats in Borneo.