Madhuri Karak

Researcher and Strategist , Freelance

Which category below best describes the type of organisation you currently work for/or run?


Areas of expertise

Behaviour change campaigns Communication and marketing Education & training Partnerships and collaboration development Research

Would you be willing to be approached and share your lessons learned in your area(s) of expertise with our community?


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Recent Comments

Comment on Hello!
Jul 06, 2022
Replying to Madhuri Karak

Thank you @Lara Reden and @Lize Gibson-Hall! I'll be sure to check out the July social.

Also wondering: would you be open to a short [less than 5 minutes] presentation during the social about our new resource on behavior change and agriculture we just launched at Rare? 

Of course! Thanks for the heads up. 

Comment on Hello!
Jul 01, 2022
Replying to Madhuri Karak

Thank you @Lara Reden and @Lize Gibson-Hall! I'll be sure to check out the July social.

Also wondering: would you be open to a short [less than 5 minutes] presentation during the social about our new resource on behavior change and agriculture we just launched at Rare? 

Great. Would it be too much to share my screen while I introduce the Guide to social attendees? Sometimes tech in big group calls can be unwieldy! I'm also just happy to talk :) Looking forward to meeting you and more of the WildHub community on July 13!

Comment on Hello!
Jun 20, 2022

Thank you @Lara Reden and @Lize Gibson-Hall! I'll be sure to check out the July social.

Also wondering: would you be open to a short [less than 5 minutes] presentation during the social about our new resource on behavior change and agriculture we just launched at Rare? 


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