Rezoana Arefine

Snake expert, Kundali Foundation

About Rezoana Arefine

I am Arefine. I am an anchor & reciter. In between my studies in zoology, I am involved in extra curricular activities. I focus on field studies since my undergraduate studies. Field study alone and observing became my addiction. Photography was also added to this addiction. Although watching nature, observing animals is my passion, the thought of working on a specific subject did not come to my mind. After that, I started working at the marginal level with snakebite patients during the Corona period. Then I chose calligraphy as a means of awareness to reach people quickly. Although I did not give priority to online then, I later built my organization called Kundali Foundation. Under the banner of this organization, i started the work of conveying the message of awareness to people called 'Be Aware Of Snake'.   I was able to deliver my message to 495 upazilas of Bangladesh. The war is still going on because the fear of snakes has not died down among people.

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Charity/Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO)

Areas of expertise

Education & training Research Species Management

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Intro Content


Let's Build a Healthy World For Next Generation

I have a foundation called 'Kundali Foundation' to make people aware.I am conducting a public awareness program called 'Be Aware Of Snake' under Kundali Foundation. On the other hand, to remove the superstitions, another program called 'Myth vangte vit lage' is going on.

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Professional development

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Recent Comments

Jun 22, 2024

Hi Adam,

What is your perspective on engaging all stakeholders in a joint venture? Does it have an impact on your perception or ongoing work? In my opinion, engaging all of the stakeholders in one place creates a bad impact on projects. I have had a bad experience this term. Can you share your experience, please?

Jun 19, 2024

Thank you Thirza❤️

Jun 18, 2024

Mr. Jigme,

A heartfelt welcome to WildHub.

It's great to learn about your work. It's really a meaningful journey that you have carried for the last 25 years. 

Keep going on.... 

Comment on Introduction Post
Jun 14, 2024

Sure, my dear.

Here's my WhatsApp id- +8801568162802 & Email- 

Stay well. 


Jun 13, 2024

Dear Fatima,

Have a good day.

I have participated in your survey and filled out the form. I am spreading it in my community. I hope it will work for you. If you require anything more, I am here for you. Keep going on.

Best wishes,


Jun 13, 2024

Thank you Thirza for mentioning. ❤️

Jun 13, 2024

Dear Kaya,

Heartfelt welcome.

I have read your query regarding wildlife rehabilitation. I work mainly on snakes, but I also work on other animals when it’s necessary. As I am based in Bangladesh, I will still be happy to help you. If you have any requirements, let me know.

keep WildHubing❤️

Best regards, 


Comment on Introduction Post
Jun 13, 2024

Dear Amanda,

Heartfelt welcome to our team. You have done lots of appreciated work for wildlife. It's great to learn about your compassion for snakes. I would like to know about your journey with the rattlesnake. If you have any shots or videos, I would like to see them.

Best wishes,

