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Prospective University of Cambridge MPhil in Conservation Leadership Postgraduate Student 2023-2024 , University of Cambridge
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The URSA and IRF are looking for a consultant who will work in close coordination with partners ti develop training material for Global Ranger Code of Conduct.
Opportunity: Ranger Roundtable Policy Paper
The Ranger Roundtable (URSA, IRF and TGLF) are looking for bidding to deliver the attached assignment on "Ranger Roundtable Policy Paper". Please send your one page proposal with budget and copy of CV by 28th February 2022 to
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Looking for Consultant
The Universal Ranger Support Alliance (URSA) is a global alliance of eight conservation organisations; Fauna & Flora International (FFI), Force for Nature (FFN), Global Wildlife Conservation, (GWC), International Ranger Federation (IRF), IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (IUCN-WCPA), Panthera, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) and WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society), established to help the International Ranger Federation (IRF) in delivering the needs identified in the Chitwan Declaration. The URSA five-year (2021-2025) Action Plan was officially launched in July 2021 at the World Conservation Congress and sets the direction for the Alliance to support the implementation of the Chitwan Declaration. The Action Plan is based on five elements (1. Advocacy & representation, 2. Capacity, employment & welfare, 3. Equality & equity in the ranger sector; 4. Community relations, 5. Ranger conduct and accountability). These are the requisite elements to build a demonstrably professional, accountable and competent ranger workforce, whose contributions are formally recognised and respected.
The URSA has produced a two-part report on “Building Trust with Rangers and Communities”. The document outlines issues of concern, discusses what is meant by the concept of trust, and provides an initial series of good practices illustrated by examples from the field. Given the success of the outreach on the stage 1 of the project that URSA is looking for consultant to deliver the stage 2 of the project that includes;
Good practices: WCPA Good Practices (GPs) series with good IP&LC involvement and an associated outreach plan and funds for translation of the GPs into multiple languages.
Training: Supporting training material for GPs to help generate uptake.
Videos: Identify potential mechanism and platforms for GPs. Develop first set of GPs to be shared on these platforms.
Please send your applications with CV, proposal and budget to rsingh@wwf.sg by 20th May, 2023.
Looking for Consultant
Hello WildHub friends and colleagues!
We are seeking for consultant
How to Apply
To be considered, please review the job descriptions, interested candidates must submit a CV or resume, cover letter and budget to rsingh@wwf.sg.
About Us
The Universal Ranger Support Alliance (URSA) is a global alliance of eight conservation organisations; Fauna & Flora International (FFI), Force for Nature (FFN), Global Wildlife Conservation, (GWC), International Ranger Federation (IRF), IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (IUCN-WCPA), Panthera, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) and WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society), established to help the International Ranger Federation (IRF) in delivering the needs identified in the Chitwan Declaration.
Thank you,
Rohit Singh https://drive.google.com/file/d/1e7kAHsbQY2S8Vp0vlNmYVcDk-vpZSvDy/view?usp=share_link
Consultant Opportunity with the SMART Partnership
The SMART partnership is seeking to develop a detailed guidelines and recommendations to use SMART Competencies developed in 2021. We are seeking a consultant to facilitate this process and create the guidelines.
SMART (Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool) is much more than a data collection method. It’s a suite of best practices aimed at helping protected area and wildlife managers better monitor, evaluate and adaptively manage patrolling activities.
SMART includes a powerful software application that improves the ability of protected area agencies and other ranger-based programs to combat poaching and other illegal activities.
SMART has been designed by a team of expert software engineers and conservation scientists who have worked side by side with conservation managers around the world. The SMART team understands the needs of frontline enforcement, and recognizes the challenges of protecting wildlife in the face of increasing threats and limited resources. SMART uses the power of information and the importance of accountability to help direct resources to the places they are needed most
The consultant will complete the following (with indicative time allocations totalling 30 days)
Establishing needs / requirements of potential users – workshop with a small group of SMART users who are supporters of the competence-based approach and representative for possible user groups, to establish which of the uses presented in the table below should be described / explained in the guidelines.
Develop at least a basic tool(s) for the use of the Register (e.g. the TNA questionnaire for self-assessment and the tool for analysing needs at a group level)) and examples for the guidelines. Ideally these should be developed with at least one SMART user who would accept to test the uses of the Register.
Compiling the Guidelines (a non-edited version if the editing will be made by somebody else, as it happened for the Register). Identify a set of provisional user levels (if possible compatible with the WCPA Protected Area Competence Levels)
Pre & post training assessments
Specific module evaluations/linkages to the PA management competences register
Needs/Gap analysis and/or baseline assessments for site enabling environments
Trainer evaluations
Self-assessments (for sites and trainers)
Please send your proposal with detailed budgets and a copy of CV to rsingh@wwf.sg by 6th August, 2022.
COnsultant Opportunity
Terms of Reference
Project context and background.
Bhutan’s exquisite wildlife is facing pressure from poaching, illegal logging and wildlife trade. Rangers are the first, and often the only, line of defense between poachers and wildlife. Everyday these committed man and women run the risk of being confronted by armed loggers, poachers or even the wildlife they are working to defend. UWICER is the national institution that trains frontline staff. Of the 132 current modules in the curriculum only seven relate to wildlife crime while most are based on conservations biology, forestry, and water resource management. The feasibility report conducted by WWF and Southern African Wildlife College (SAWC) also outlines that capacity on delivering anti-poaching training is insufficient, there is no mechanism for training new recruits and no mechanism for refresher trainings for rangers. Hence, the current training does not teach the skills required to effectively address poaching and keep rangers themselves safe in the field. WWF has been supporting ranger trainings and despite the improvements for immediate needs NGO trainings are not a sustainable solution due to funding being limited (and often short-term) and no standard curriculum being used across NGOs.
This project will build on current curriculum owned by UWICER through collaboration with Southern African Wildlife College to create an improved and amended curriculum to enhance ranger’s capacity in curbing illegal wildlife crime. For the roll our, the faculty members of UWICER will be provided training of trainer (TOT) based on the new curriculum by experts from SAWC.
Train the faculty members of UWICER on new curriculum
Scope and tasks
Design the TOT module for three weeks.
Provide TOT to the faculty members of UWICER.
The assignment will be for a period April 27, 2022, to May 30, 2022.
Education and experience
in natural resources management, environmental or conservation management, and or a relevant law enforcement technical degree;
Knowledge of conservation and law enforcement issues in Asia;
7 years of practical experience in advising and or training in conservation and biodiversity protection law enforcement, or related field, preferably 2 years of which should have been in Asia;
Experience of working with Southern African Wildlife College or similar ranger training institutions.
Skills & Abilities
Working well with and contributing effectively to a multicultural team;
Good command of English language, both oral and written communication skills.
Please send your proposal (2 pages max) with CV and budget to rsingh@wwf.sg by 20th April 2022.
Consultant Opportunity: Ranger Roundtable Policy Brief
The International Ranger Federation, Thin Green Line Foundation and Universal Ranger Support Alliance have organised the Ranger Roundtable Sessions and associated stakeholder workshops facilitated between July 2020 to November 2021. These sessions brought together global development, health and conservation leaders in partnership with Ranger sector leaders. The outcome of these sessions position rangers in the broader policy arena and creates an argument for better investment and recognition of rangers. The Ranger Roundtable and Universal Ranger Support Alliance have teamed up to develop a discussion paper based on the outcomes and recommendations of the ranger roundtables.
The proposed consultancy will work with large cross-sector group of co-authors from the ranger roundtable to develop the discussion paper. The papers will then become a tool for the convening policy makers to recognise the ranger profession and advocate for necessary changes to professionalise the ranger workforce. The paper will be designed as a ‘call to action’ for global leaders to recognise the alignment of Rangers’ essential frontline work with climate, biodiversity, One Health, security, and rural economic development targets (i.e. the Ranger-effect)
a. Based on the outputs and recommendations of the Ranger Roundtable define the scope and structure of the paper.
b. Organise meeting/discussion with co-authors to finalise the structure and scope of the paper.
c. Lead the development of the papers and allocate roles to other authors
d. Develop first draft of the paper and lead the review process to ensure the feedback from coauthors are incorporated.
e. Identify the suitable publication platform.
f. Lead the submission of the paper and review process for final submission
a. 3000-5000 words discussion paper (depending on target journal)
The Ranger Roundtable (URSA, IRF and TGLF) are looking for bidding to deliver the attached assignment on "Ranger Roundtable Policy Paper". Please send your one page proposal with budget and copy of CV by 28th February 2022 torsingh@wwfnet.org
Consultant Opportunity: Training Material Development
The International Ranger Federation promotes and support Rangers around the world to ensure that they are more adequately supported and represented. Universal Ranger Support Alliance (URSA) was formed (of which the IRF is a founding member). URSA is an alliance of conservation organisations committed to advancing the professionalization of rangers globally. In July, URSA launched a global action plan to improve ranger working conditions and welfare, while at the same time building trusting relationships with communities and ensuring the responsible conduct, including respect for human rights by rangers.
Under the objective E1. A global code of conduct for rangers is defined and widely adopted, the International Ranger Federation with Support from the Universal Ranger Support Alliance released the first ever Ranger Code of Conduct in April, 2021. Subsequently a guidance note for adoption and explainer videos were launched in July 2021.
The proposed consultancy will support the implementation of the following activities through the development of training material on the IRF Ranger Code of Conduct (CoC) that can be adapted to local contexts by ranger employers, ranger associations and conservation organisations;
i) E1.2 Develop awareness and guidance materials to promote understanding and observance of the code of conduct.
ii) E1.3 Advocate for wide-scale adoption of the global code of conduct by agencies, employers, NGOs and donors.
iii) E1.7 Distribute awareness and learning materials for rangers, ranger supporters and employers
The proposed consultant will work in close coordination with IRF, WWF and OHCHR focal points to deliver the outputs mentioned in section 3 below.
Identify most appropriate tools (PowerPoints, guide, manual etc.) and methodology/ies for delivering the awareness session and training on the CoC both virtually and physically to rangers, ranger associations and ranger employers.
Lead the development of and prepare the first draft of the training material and awareness material. Process to include widespread sectoral consultation with rangers, ranger supporters, URSA members and UN OHCHR and at least two virtual workshops
(i) with URSA COC working group, OHCHR and IRF
(ii) with rangers association through IRF to gather their inputs.
Training material should contain;
Duration of the training
Training modules in line with CoC
Powerpoints/guide for training
Instructor guide
Any other material necessary
Diversity of rangers – culturally, location, language etc.
Propose and lead two rounds of written consultation on the latest draft with URSA members, the URSA COC working group and OHCHR.
Prepare final versions of the awareness and training material in the agreed formats (see outputs) .
Package 1: Material for one-hour virtual awareness raising session [target audience senior leadership of ranger employers, NGOs etc.]
Package 2: Training material along with the trainer guidlines for physical training sessions that can be tailored as per the time availability, context, language etc. [target audience ranger training institutions, rangers, independent ranger trainers.
Please send proposal with budget and your CV to rsingh@wwfnet.org by 4th March 2022.