Shelley Bolderson

Networks Manager, Cambridge Masters in Conservation Leadership

About Shelley Bolderson

Shelley acts as community manager for the two growing networks that sit alongside the core Cambridge Masters in Conservation Leadership teaching programme; the University of Cambridge Conservation Leadership Alumni Network (UCCLAN) and the Conservation Leadership Transformation Network. The management of these two networks delivers two of the three goals set out in the Masters in Conservation Leaderships ten-year strategy; to catalyse the impact of the UCCLAN; and to establish a Global Conservation Leadership Community of Practice.

Shelley is a former archaeologist, who moved into the communications sector and has been specialising in external affairs and communications at the University of Cambridge for the last 15 years. Shelley is a brand specialist with extensive experience in delivering large-scale communications campaigns for the University’s high-profile events such as the Cambridge Science Festival, alongside training staff and students from across the University in to how to engage audiences both in person and online.

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