Mr Boka Kondua Dieuleveut , Ingénieur agronome en Gestion des Ressources Naturelles : Faune et Flore de l'Université de Kinshasa, est le coordinateur principal de l'Environnement et de la Conservation de la Nature au sein de l'ONG Kimbala Développement (K.D).
Il a été aussi Peer Educator du programme : I Act Italy and Irena Action for Climate Toolkit initié par gouvernement Italien à travers son Ministère des Affaires étrangères et de la Coopération internationale (Maeci) en partenariat avec l’ Agence Internationale des Énergies Renouvelables (IRENA) , dans l’ optique de renforcer les connaissances et les capacités des jeunes leaders internationaux et locaux qui veulent devenir des leaders dans la lutte contre le changement climatique et dans la promotion de la transition énergétique pour un développement durable.
En outre , il est l’ initiateur, le concepteur et rédacteur du Programme de Sauvetage des pangolins Africains (en cours de rédaction).
Il est également l’ initiateur , le concepteur et rédacteur du projet : BUMBU vert et résilient aux effets et impacts du changement climatique. Ce projet consiste à impliquer les jeunes et les propriétaires fonciers de cette contrée dans l'identification , la promotion et la mise en oeuvre des actions communautaires de lutte contre le changement climatique axée sur des éco-gestes dans les écoles , les église et les différents ménages ainsi que la création des habitations vertes et la restauration des zones vertes par la plantation d'arbres . Notons que Bumbu est est une commune urbaine vulnérable au changement climatique.
I'm also a member of the 12th cohort of the African Union's Corps des Jeunes Volontaires.We and selected partners, use cookies or similar technologies as specified in the cookie policy and privacy policy.
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It is heartening to see your group driving awareness. Am I correct in understanding that you are situated in the DRC? I'm wondering what you are planning for your African Pangolin Rescue Programme - can you give some idea of what this will entail? Our organisation African Pangolin Working Group was established in 2011, as one of three organisations in the world that focused on pangolins and the threats to this species, that was seen as an emerging trend in the illegal wildlife trade. I am a member of the IUCN Pangolin Specialist Group. Alexis Kriel
@Alexis Kriel , this program comprises three projects:
firstly, a project to identify the trafficking of African pangolins: this concerns the sales market (sellers), sources of supply and the various subspecies sold, in order to inform the decision-makers who are supposed to enforce the law in this area by providing them with a detailed database;
Secondly, to raise awareness among the local population, both around the natural habitat of African pangolins and around consumption centers and sales markets. For the local population around the pangolins' natural habitat, the ecological role of pangolins will be emphasized, as well as the diversification of sources of income by proposing an ecovillage model, and for the population around the consumption centers, the CITES and Red List classifications of the pangolin will be publicized, along with all the consequences of non-observance of the binding provisions.
Finally, the project to set up an African pangolin sanctuary for conservation, awareness-raising and research purposes already has a 15-hectare landholding on the outskirts of the city of Kinshasa, and we are in contact With Save Vietnam's Wildlife, who have proven expertise in the ex-situ conservation of pangolins.
In addition, we have had the privilege of seeing this program selected for oral presentation at the 12th World Conservation Congress sympisium to be held August 29 and 30 in the black hills of South Dakota, for which we are seeking financial support to ensure our travel.
If you wish to contact us for a collaboration in this sense, please refer to our wildhub profile, you will see all our contacts.
Thanks for the information. We know Save Vietnam's Wildlife, although they are specialists in the Asian Pangolin Species, we trust that they will apply the correct veterinary / rehabilitation / release techniques for the African Species. I'm glad that they have shown commitment to pangolin conservation in DRC, where it is very urgently needed. We have worked with UGADEC there, for sensitization and saved a few pangolins in DRC, along the way - also working with a vet (who is a specialist in great apes, but now has experience with pangolin veterinary care). Not sure how you are going to work with the use of pangolin in the bushmeat trade, and apply legislation to this, because you will be able to retrieve thousands of pangolins, but the question will be if you have to buy them out of the bushmeat trade - which would further stimulate the trade - or confiscate them legally, with law enforcement support. It sounds like you have a plan. Good luck with it.