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Go to the profile of Thirza Loffeld
7 months ago

Hi Boka, congrats for being accepted to deliver an oral presentation at WILD12. What kind of sponsorship are you looking for exactly? The more information you can provide (e.g. what the money would go towards), the better other community members can be of help. Thank you. 

@Alexis Kriel : would you perhaps know of any funding opportunities to promote Pangolin-related work?  

Go to the profile of Alexis Kriel
7 months ago

Hi Thirza - funding opportunities do come up for DRC and for early career conservationists. I will share if something comes up that fits. https://fundsforngospremium.com/ This is a good portal, where you can define what sort of funding you are looking for, and you will be kept informed within that scope. The business side of an NGO needs as much attention as the recipient or cause that we'd like to support. Without that in place and operating well - an NGO won't succeed long term. Fundraising has to be part of the business strategy and the more that management of an NGO focuses on it and becomes familiar with fund-raising methods, the better the organisation will ultimately fare. There need to be team members that have skills in grant writing / report writing / accounts / NGO governance etc. There is very little funding available in a vacuum. I will certainly share here, if I become aware of opportunities that fit.

Go to the profile of Thirza Loffeld
7 months ago

Hi Alexis, thanks for your quick reply, much appreciated. 

Not sure if helpful to you at this stage @Boka Kondua Dieuleveut: Building on Alexis' feedback, I thought of sharing that we also provide training bursaries at WildTeam which could cover training in those essential skills Alexis mentioned, such as grant writing (more info here). Also, my colleague @Léa Kaplani is developing an organisation development toolkit that will hopefully be of use to those who would like to develop a strong conservation NGO. 

Go to the profile of Boka Kondua Dieuleveut
7 months ago

Thank you,@THIRZA for your attention. Of course, we need financial support to enable us to make this trip to South Dakota and secure our accommodation, so that we can present this program at the symposium. 

Thank you, @Thirza.

Go to the profile of Boka Kondua Dieuleveut
7 months ago

thank you very much dear @Thirza Loffeld 

Go to the profile of Boka Kondua Dieuleveut
7 months ago

Thank you also dear @Alexis Kriel for your reaction. 

Go to the profile of Alexis Kriel
7 months ago

Those should be very useful.

Go to the profile of Alexis Kriel
7 months ago

my reply  to @Thirza Loffeld  above

Go to the profile of Thirza Loffeld
7 months ago

Great to hear it, thanks Alexis and Boka!