Ramesh Kathariya's Intro

Hi, I am Ramesh Kathariya, a wildlife enthusiast. I have worked on many wildlife surveys, from direct observational surveys to indirect sign surveys and camera traps. I have worked at both the community level and policy level. My current interest is to work on conservation at the landscape level.

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Namaste everyone from Nepal,

I'm Ramesh Kathariya, a wildlife student and researcher currently based in Nepal. I have a masters degree in environmental science from Tribhuvan University. The degree specialises in biodiversity conservation and wildlife management.

I have good experience in data analysis, geospatial analysis, and content creation for wildlife awareness at the community level. I have been involved at the community level as well as in policy-level (Tiger and Elephant) work for wildlife conservation in Nepal. I have mostly worked at species-level (Red Panda, Smooth-coated Otter) work, and now I want to scale up my analysis and experience at the ecosystem and landscape level.

I have been working at the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (Headquater), Kathmandu, for half of the year as a research associate. I am working on the area-based conservation approach at ICIMOD. I am seeking to enhance my knowledge and skills in data analysis and geo-spatial analysis at a larger scale, much better, I can say, the ecological modelling approaches for species as well as ecosystem assessment and conservation.

Thank you.

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Go to the profile of Thirza Loffeld
about 1 month ago

Namaste Ramesh and a warm welcome to WildHub! Wonderful to have you join us and thank you for sharing about your background. May I ask how you find out about our community?

Perhaps of interest to you could be our Conservation Catalyst programme here, which can be a great experience for networking as well as sharing other people’s learnings. 

Also, I would recommend joining our member Social events (dates here) which is a great way to get to know other members. 

Let us know if you have any questions. 

Go to the profile of Ramesh Kathariya
about 1 month ago

Hi Thirza, Thank you for your warm welcome and sharing about the Conservation Catalyst program. And I would love to hear more if there are any.

Thank you.

Go to the profile of Thirza Loffeld
about 1 month ago

Thanks Ramesh! I have emailed you some more information about this programme. Look forward to chatting more!