Namaste everyone from Nepal,
I'm Ramesh Kathariya, a wildlife student and researcher currently based in Nepal. I have a masters degree in environmental science from Tribhuvan University. The degree specialises in biodiversity conservation and wildlife management.
I have good experience in data analysis, geospatial analysis, and content creation for wildlife awareness at the community level. I have been involved at the community level as well as in policy-level (Tiger and Elephant) work for wildlife conservation in Nepal. I have mostly worked at species-level (Red Panda, Smooth-coated Otter) work, and now I want to scale up my analysis and experience at the ecosystem and landscape level.
I have been working at the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (Headquater), Kathmandu, for half of the year as a research associate. I am working on the area-based conservation approach at ICIMOD. I am seeking to enhance my knowledge and skills in data analysis and geo-spatial analysis at a larger scale, much better, I can say, the ecological modelling approaches for species as well as ecosystem assessment and conservation.
Thank you.
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Namaste Ramesh and a warm welcome to WildHub! Wonderful to have you join us and thank you for sharing about your background. May I ask how you find out about our community?
Perhaps of interest to you could be our Conservation Catalyst programme here, which can be a great experience for networking as well as sharing other people’s learnings.
Also, I would recommend joining our member Social events (dates here) which is a great way to get to know other members.
Let us know if you have any questions.
Hi Thirza, Thank you for your warm welcome and sharing about the Conservation Catalyst program. And I would love to hear more if there are any.
Thank you.
Thanks Ramesh! I have emailed you some more information about this programme. Look forward to chatting more!