Jigme Tshelthrim Wangyal (He/Him)

Research Fellow, Bhutan Ecological Society
Rezoana Arefine

Snake expert, Kundali Foundation

I am Arefine. I am an anchor & reciter. In between my studies in zoology, I am involved in extra curricular activities. I focus on field studies since my undergraduate studies. Field study alone and observing became my addiction. Photography was also added to this addiction. Although watching nature, observing animals is my passion, the thought of working on a specific subject did not come to my mind. After that, I started working at the marginal level with snakebite patients during the Corona period. Then I chose calligraphy as a means of awareness to reach people quickly. Although I did not give priority to online then, I later built my organization called Kundali Foundation. Under the banner of this organization, i started the work of conveying the message of awareness to people called 'Be Aware Of Snake'.   I was able to deliver my message to 495 upazilas of Bangladesh. The war is still going on because the fear of snakes has not died down among people.
Thirza Loffeld

WildHub Community Manager, WildTeam UK

My background is mainly in species conservation, education and capacity development. I researched mother-young interactions in gorillas and chimpanzees, in captivity and the wild. After that, I worked for three years in Indonesia, where I developed and implemented youth ambassador and community engagement programmes on local and regional scales. I work as Community Manager at WildHub since 2020, and I am on the Advisory Board of the Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (DICE) at the University of Kent where I obtained my PhD on capacity development for conservation in 2022. 
Adam Barlow

Executive Director, WildTeam UK

I help run a UK charity that builds the capacity of conservationists to plan, implement, monitor, and report on their work. I also have a fair bit of experience in tiger and sea turtle conservation.