My background is mainly in species conservation, education and capacity development. I researched mother-young interactions in gorillas and chimpanzees, in captivity and the wild. After that, I worked for three years in Indonesia, where I developed and implemented youth ambassador and community engagement programmes on local and regional scales. I work as Community Manager at WildHub since 2020, and I am on the Advisory Board of the Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (DICE) at the University of Kent where I obtained my PhD on capacity development for conservation in 2022.
Hello! I'm Léa and I'm a WildLearning Specialist with WildTeam UK. I help create, design and deliver training courses. I love getting to know all the participants and learning from them :)
Previously, I was working with BirdLife International on forest governance issues and in my previous life I worked in the development sector in the United States. Education-wise, I have studied economic development, international relations as well as tropical forestry in the past.
Hope to catch you in a WildHub social!
As Head of Communications at Whitley Fund for Nature, I am responsible for leading the organisation’s communications strategy, using the charity’s platform to spread awareness about Whitley Award winners across WFN’s website and social media. I lead on campaigns, and support across the charity’s PR and events to raise the profile of Whitley Award winners. I'm also a Trustee of Born Free Foundation, and I founded The Wildlife Blogger Crowd in 2020; a virtual network of over 250 bloggers, social media influencers, podcasters, and filmmakers. In 2021, I published a book of our collective works, ‘Connections With Nature’.
I work for WildTeam UK, helping to deliver training workshops, write conservation best practice manuals and share them as widely as possible. Previously a Writing Fellow working with various conservation organisations across India. Background in research, particularly behavioural ecology. Bird nerd.
Interdisciplinary conservation professional. Consultant at the European Forest Institute and coordinator for CoalitionWILD 2022 Global Mentorship Programme. Passionate about the social dimensions of natural resource management, community-based conservation, participatory methodologies and human-wildlife conflicts.
I also run the conservation workshop and networking platform '& another thing'. See details of our free upcoming workshops and events here -
Hi all! I am currently Fauna & Flora Internationals (FFIs) Senior Programme Manager for Conservation Capacity and Leadership. I have a lovely broad remit, but at its heart my job is to support FFI staff and partners strengthen skills in establishing, managing and supporting FFIs conservation work. I do this in lots of ways- designing and running training events, supporting the application of new skills/learning to peoples work, setting up mentoring relationships and peer to peer learning groups, organising exchange visits, work shadowing, master classes etc. We have a big focus on knowledge management in FFI, so don't just focus on how to bring in new knowledge and learning into our organisation, but how to share and apply all the incredible knowledge and skills our 400 strong team already have
I have an MSc in Environmental Technology and PhD in Anthropology from UCL where I specialised in human-environment interactions, with a stint as a Teaching Fellow in Human Ecology (maternity cover). Prior to joining FFI, I spent a number of years working in the Central African Republic to assess and improve the integration of conservation and development in the Dzanga-Sangha region, and following gorillas up and down volcanoes in Rwanda with the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International. Before joining FFI's Conservation Capacity team in 2013, I spent 5 years in FFI’s Africa team, co-ordinating and managing projects in Liberia, West Africa.
Master in Animal Biology, with a deep interest in biodiversity conservation, restoration and climate change. Former collaborator of CoalitionWILD and the Global Rewilding Alliance. Former Coordinator of Actions and Partnerships at Plant-for-the-Planet Brazil and Co-Director at Youth Climate Leaders, currently working as a Climate Change Specialist at WWF-Brazil.
Nguyen Van Kien
principal researcher, Vietnam National plant genebank - plant resources center (prc)
My work is serving plant genetic resources conservation and use intervention for food and agriculture development (PGRFA) in Vietnam. We design, develop, carry out platform and strategy, programs on PGRFA and relevant areas, including consultancy, training activities. Currently, we are trying to focus on diversity and evolution works of crop and wild crop relatives (CWRs)in the contexts of climate changes, nutrition and health styles and ecosystem services payments and environments as well as values series of culture, spirit and religions that plant genetic resources contribute to sustainable human social development against future challenges. I hope that we could exchange experience, idea and innovation to contribute in developing a better world. We are looking forward to hearing your feedback, support and cooperation soon
Data, databases and apps ( Claris FileMaker ) for nature conservation and sustainability research. Funding expertise as a bonus
I lead the Institutional Fundraising Team at ZSL, working with colleagues across our Science, Conservation and Zoo directorates to raise grants from charitable trusts and foundations, lottery, statutory and bi/multi-lateral funders.
I've been at ZSL since 2018 but have been working in fundraising for the NfPs since 2007. Relationship and grants fundraising are my specialisms but I have also managed RG and Corporate fundraising functions.
Christine Tansey
Partnership Officer - Better Biodiversity Data project, National Biodiversity Network Trust
I now work for the National Biodiversity Network Trust as Partnership Officer on the Better Biodiversity Data project, which aims to improve infrastructure and access to biodiversity data in Scotland. I recently worked with WildTeam UK engaging conservationists with its training and resources, and supported WildTeam Bangladesh in their work on the conservation of the Sundarbans mangrove forest and Bengal tigers. I have previously co-ordinated conservation research for a UK-based woodland charity, completed a PhD on phenology in plants and trees that involved a lot of citizen science, and have done many short-term research and conservation jobs over the years.
Boka Kondua Dieuleveut
responsible for the sub-committee: Conservation of biodiversity and climate change of the NGO Kimbala Development., Kimbala Développement (K.D)
Mr Boka Kondua Dieuleveut , Ingénieur agronome en Gestion des Ressources Naturelles : Faune et Flore de l'Université de Kinshasa, est le coordinateur principal de l'Environnement et de la Conservation de la Nature au sein de l'ONG Kimbala Développement (K.D).
Il a été aussi Peer Educator du programme : I Act Italy and Irena Action for Climate Toolkit initié par gouvernement Italien à travers son Ministère des Affaires étrangères et de la Coopération internationale (Maeci) en partenariat avec l’ Agence Internationale des Énergies Renouvelables (IRENA) , dans l’ optique de renforcer les connaissances et les capacités des jeunes leaders internationaux et locaux qui veulent devenir des leaders dans la lutte contre le changement climatique et dans la promotion de la transition énergétique pour un développement durable.
En outre , il est l’ initiateur, le concepteur et rédacteur du Programme de Sauvetage des pangolins Africains (en cours de rédaction).
Il est également l’ initiateur , le concepteur et rédacteur du projet : BUMBU vert et résilient aux effets et impacts du changement climatique. Ce projet consiste à impliquer les jeunes et les propriétaires fonciers de cette contrée dans l'identification , la promotion et la mise en oeuvre des actions communautaires de lutte contre le changement climatique axée sur des éco-gestes dans les écoles , les église et les différents ménages ainsi que la création des habitations vertes et la restauration des zones vertes par la plantation d'arbres . Notons que Bumbu est est une commune urbaine vulnérable au changement climatique.
I'm also a member of the 12th cohort of the African Union's Corps des Jeunes Volontaires.
Joined WCS 10 years ago, spent most of my time in the Congo Basin. Working on community development and social science, monitoring & evaluation, theories of change. Helping our teams to collect, manage & analyze data in the most efficient way. Member of the Conservation Measures Partnership and the Conservation Social Science Partnership.
I help run a UK charity that builds the capacity of conservationists to plan, implement, monitor, and report on their work. I also have a fair bit of experience in tiger and sea turtle conservation.