About Flavia Martinelli

Master in Animal Biology, with a deep interest in biodiversity conservation, restoration and climate change. Former collaborator of CoalitionWILD and the Global Rewilding Alliance. Former Coordinator of Actions and Partnerships at Plant-for-the-Planet Brazil and Co-Director at Youth Climate Leaders, currently working as a Climate Change Specialist at WWF-Brazil.

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Jan 16, 2023
Replying to Thirza Loffeld

Thank you for sharing, Flávia! I have added the target audience of this resources and the learning objectives to your post. How have you used this resource in your work? Or how have you seen other conservationists apply it?

Thanks again! 

Thanks, Thirza! I haven't used yet.. I received in a newsletter from work, but this year I'll contribute to a internal capacity building of WWF-Brazil about climate change, so I'll dive in it and probably it will be useful! 

Jan 16, 2023
Replying to Alan J. Hesse

Thanks for sharing this resource @Flavia Martinelli. I had come across it before and I believe it is a rare example of fact-based storytelling that truly reflects Global South perspectives. I too create graphic novels about climate change and in fact I'm working on my 5th one right now, which is 100% focused on Brazil. If interested I'd love to run it past you at some point!  

Hi, Alan, yeah, I would love to take a look in your work about Brazil! Thanks :)

Jan 11, 2023

Thanks, Thirza. It's my pleasure to contribute with WildHub. Hope I can do more of this in 2023 :)

Nov 23, 2021
Replying to Adam Barlow

Amazing! Well done Flavia! You are making a real difference by helping to build and maintain the WildHub global community.

Thanks, Adam, happy to be part of the community :)

Nov 23, 2021

Thanks, Thirza <3

Aug 10, 2021

Thanks for the opportunity to share more about my path, Ussi! 

Feb 12, 2021

Loved it.. This is cool, Leslie! Congrats for you work! <3


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