Marrian Tendai Rwizi

MSc Ecology student , Norwegian University of Life Sciences

About Marrian Tendai Rwizi

I have been a biology teacher for the past eight years and I am transitioning from teaching to the Ecology and Conservation field. 

Which category below best describes the type of organisation you currently work for/or run?

Not applicable/Not currently employed

Areas of expertise

Education & training Land/Water Management Research Species Management

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Intro Content

Lessons learned

A Hunger Games analogy to entering the conservation field.

There is still a wider gap in empowering young man and women who are aspiring to be wildlife conservationists and ecologists globally especially in African developing countries.

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Professional development

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Jun 13, 2022

Thank you Aiita, your contribution is greatly appreciated. If you know any  conservation initiatives,ideas, please feel free to share

Jun 13, 2022

I think conservation jobs must be valued, same as the medical field etc. Because thats where we are going,climate change is real!  T he majority of the people especially from where I come from have little to no knowledge on the importance of conservation and the ecosystem at large . However I think it all begins with the mindset,involvement of the local people at large and maybe introduce ecology and conservation from kindergarten. There is also the need to find a pulling factor to the field of conservation especially to this young generation who are the leaders of tomorrow.

Thank you @ Frank van der Most,for your contribution.

Jun 13, 2022

You are really doing a good job Michael!

May 29, 2022

Hello everyone,this is my first interview per se,your support is greatly appreciated

Apr 14, 2022

This is a very good opportunity,